Chapter 2: Welcome Home

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Chapter 2: Welcome Home

"Juice! Get your ass up! Clay wants us in church right now!"

Juice groaned as he was woken up by Happy pounding on his door and yelling at him. He opened his eyes and smiled. Charlotte was just waking up as well.

"How'd ya sleep, Darling?" Juice said as he got up out of the bed and threw on a pair of jeans and a SAMCRO t-shirt.

Charlotte stretched and smiled.

"Better than I have in a while. Thanks for letting me crash in here."

"Glad to help out. You're welcome to go back to sleep if you want. I have to go deal with club stuff. See ya in a bit." Juice told her as he walked out of his room, closing the door behind him.

Happy was waiting for him in the hall and they headed down the hall, to chapel. They were the last to arrive so the doors to the chapel were shut behind them and Clay began the meeting.


Meanwhile, Charlotte decided to get up. She headed back to the room her things were in and hopped into the shower. She sighed contentedly as the hot water streamed down her neck and back. As she washing up, she stopped and ran her hand over the scars on her wrists and arms. Thank goodness Juice hadn't seemed to notice them or at least didn't question her about them. That was something she wasn't ready to talk about...especially with the club. Those fellas were likely to get upset with her if they knew the truth behind those marks.

Charlotte shook her head to rid herself of the painful memories haunting her. She wasn't going to allow herself to have a pity party and cry. No...she needed to get herself together and get ready to take on the day. This was a new day and she was home. She was safe now, she told herself.

Shutting off the shower, Charlotte grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her fiery red hair. After that, she grabbed another towel and dried herself off. Heading back into the bedroom, she rummaged through her backpack, pulling out a pair of clean panties and matching bra. Once those were on her body, she pulled out a pair of tight fitting black jeans that hugged her perfect curves, accentuating them nicely. Those were paired with an ACDC t-shirt and her favorite pull over hoodie, which was purple. The last part of her outfit consisted of a pair of black leather Harley boots.

Charlotte did a little twirl, checking herself out in the mirror and giggled. Satisfied with her outfit, she headed into the bathroom once more and combed out her long hair. Once it was hanging down in perfect ringlets with the sides up, she was ready to take on the day.

"Okay, Charlotte Ann, it's go time!" She said to her reflection.

With that, she turned on her heels and headed out of the room, making sure to close her door behind her. The place hadn't changed much in all the years she'd been away so she found the bar and lounge area without any trouble.

The fellas were still in church except for the prospect since it was against the rules for prospects to be in there. Instead, he was behind the bar cleaning and stocking it. Charlotte looked around and sighed. What could she possibly do to entertain herself? She could play a round of pool by herself. Nah...that wouldn't be fun.

After looking around, she decided to put on some music on her phone and popped in her ear buds. She smiled at Half-Sack as she walked over and grabbed a broom from the supply closet.

"Hey, what are doing? How did you even know where that was? The guys are gonna be pissed if they see you cleaning. That's my job." Half-Sack was saying frantically.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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