Punished for sticking together

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Willy started talking more to himself than anyone else really. The doctor was busy trying to quiet them down while Elliot huddled into himself.

You looked in between everyone as they rioted, mimicking Elliot and bringing your limbs as close to you as you could. The guards suddenly burst into the room. Grabbing at the twins and the Giant. Leading Elliot out first and struggling with the two shouting insane twins you fought them every step of the way.

The guards dragged them out of the door and you could hear their shouting echo down the hallway, getting quieter and quieter as they were dragged away until they were out of earshot completely.

" Doctor Valeski this is totally unfair!!" You cried at the Doctor as soon as it was quiet. " Elliot was just defending himself, he got the brute of it when that incompetent guard tasered him and left him defenseless! Joshua and Jack saved him, Benjamine was going to kill him! He was... He was going to kill me." You said, remembering how the unstable man grabbed you and went to bite your throat out until the twins jumped in.

" I'm fully aware of what happened Y/N, but none of them should have fought at all, especially since the twins were not even originally part of it." he tried explaining, but you could not stand how dismissive he was being.

" Did you not hear me?! Benjamine was about to rip out Elliot's throat while he was laying there defenseless, You're punishing your patients for protecting each other!" You yelled over at him.

" I'm sorry Y/N, its lunchtime, so if you will excuse me." He stood up and started to walk away. You yelled after him, not caring if he was the Doctor or not.

He left the room and more Guards entered after him. Unchaining you and Willy from your seats and forming you in a two-person line with you in the front and Willy behind you this time.

You cried as you were led away from the group room and into the cafeteria. You could feel the stare from Willy on your back as you walked.

You did not know what was going through his head, what type of wheels were turning and what greased them, but you did not want to know.

When you got to the cafeteria you went straight to the table where you and Elliot always sat. Ignoring the line to get food. You sat down and layed your head down on your arms, trying to block out the world right now.

You ignored everything else as the day went on. Ignoring all the voices from the other patients as they watched you in your sad state. You ignored everything as lunch ended and you were led into the courtyard.

You stayed by the door, however. You did not go to the garden, you know you would just see crushed flowers and dried blood in the grass.

So you stayed next to the door for the whole duration of the break. Glancing up every now and then as Guards or Patients passed you. Or to look up at willy who was watching you from his book on his bench not far away.

Again, you just ignored him. You did this throughout free time as well, throughout dinner, refusing to eat as you had done with lunch. You stayed silent as you were led into the showers.

You let the warm water run down you, giving you some comfort, but you still felt cold inside. When you were done you brushed your teeth and changed into your nightclothes and then when you were finally in your room, you collapsed onto your bed and started to cry again.

You were so homesick, there was nothing you wanted more than to go home. You wanted to be back in your own room where you felt safe and comfortable. Where you could hear your little brother playing in his own room. Your mother talking to your father in the kitchen as they made dinner.

You wanted to go back to school, you wanted to see your friends again, you wanted your old life back. You did not want to be stuck here in this madhouse with Cannibals and murderers where when Patients actually did good things they were punished for it. You clutched onto the Pillow harder, burying your face deeper into its softness.

You lifted your head up when you heard paper crinkling underneath it. You sniffled again, wiping your nose with your arm before reaching under your pillow to grab the folded piece of paper that was hidden there. You brought it closer and slowly unfolded it.

Hang in there Y/N, your strong.


Said the words on the paper in neat handwriting. The W could only mean one thing. Willy left this in your room. You don't know how he was able to slip into your room and leave this for you, but it somehow, in your depressed state gave you some comfort.

Why would he leave this for you though? You did not know, and you did not want to spend the mental energy thinking of it right now.

You slid underneath your covers and watched the rain from outside your barred window. Listening to the sound of the droplets hitting the glass. Letting it help relax your mind.

You jumped when a loud, but sort of deafened cry of pain rang out around the hospital, or at least the eighth floor. It was a long, sorrowful howl.

You had a feeling you knew who it was. Joshua was being torn from his brother. The person who had been there with him since birth, who had been with him every single day of his life.

You let one last tear slip down your cheek for the brothers as you closed your eyes, and let the rain continue to soothe your stressed heart.

Dark NightsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ