A Midnight Stroll chp. 24

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hello my fellow readers! soo excited, the story is almost over, im not sad because there's going to be a sequel yay!!!!!! enjoy

CHAPTER 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***********AMY'S POV***********

I ran up to him and almost jumped on him giving him a big hug. I started crying into his shoulder.

"Amy, what the hell?" he said holding onto me so I didn't fall. I kept sobbing into his shirt.

"D-drew I'm s-so sorry"

"Um, sorry, talk to you later man" he said to the guy standing next to him who I didn't notice until now

"Alright, good luck with, uh, that" the guy said and walked away.

I continued to cry, partly because I was relieved he wasn't ever with Tiffany and also because if he didn't accept my apology, I didn't know what I would do.

"Amy, what the hell are you doing, what happened?" I looked up at him to see pain and concern in his eyes. Aww, he still cared about me. I could tell it was hurting him to have me here like this and it hurt me to see him hurt because of me.

"I-I-I-I-I-I I just talked to Tiffany"

"And?" he said raising his eyebrows

"Well, uh, she sort of told me some stuff that I needed to know"

"Like?" he said looking like he was getting impatient

"That you were telling the truth" I mumbled into his shirt


"That you were telling the truth" I mumbled again

"For crying out loud Amy! What!?"

"YOU WERE TELLING THE TRUTH, SHE KISSED YOU, YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, YOU LOVE ME, AND I AM A BITCH FOR NOT BELIEVING YOU AND I FEEL AWFUL AND IM SORRY!!!" I shouted as more tears fell down my face, luckily everyone had left and the halls were empty.

He stared at me for a while with a shocked expression on his face. Finally after a while of us staring at each other, he picked me up and spun me, his lips met mine. He put me down and I put one leg around his waist. He picked the other one up and put it around his waist, we were still kissing. I put one arm around his neck and the other in his hair. He moaned in the back of his throat and pushed my back against the lockers making me gasp. He continued to kiss me until finally I had to break away for air, I wasn't happy about it but oh my gosh, that was amazing, I had missed him so much and now I knew he was definitely mine and that nothing would come between us ever again.

"I missed that" he said panting

"So did I. I'm so sorry Drew, I should have believed you, I'm sorry for not trusting you" I said staring into his eyes

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault, and don't worry, I still love you, no matter what" he said smiling

"So I'm forgiven?"

"Definitely" he said and his lips met mine for a brief second. "I don't think I can ever go without you again" he said smiling

"Good, because I'm not going to let you" I said smirking and pulled his head back to mine.

After a while, we finally pulled apart.

"Tell me why Amy?" he said

"Why what?" I asked confused running my hand through his hair

"Why you didn't believe me"

"Oh" I said looking down, him still holding me up. To be honest, I didn't really know why I didn't believe him. In all of our years of friendship, never had Drew lied to me, not even about embarrassing things like crushes or something that may have happened to him. "I...I'm not sure, I guess... well I think I just got so mad and hurt seeing you and Tiffany like that I didn't want to believe anything else. I'm so sorry I hurt to, I didn't mean to, I thought you were with Tiffany and that you were happy, not hurt but I was sure wrong" I said looking back into his eyes

"Oh" was all he could say. "I guess part of it was my fault" he sighed

"No, you have nothing to apologize for" I said looking at him lovingly. "This whole thing was my fault, not yours" I said burying my head in his shoulder

"Well, let's not waste time arguing about this, what's done is done and there's nothing we can do about it. Let's just be glad it's over now ok?" he said stroking my back

I nodded into his shirt

"Well, let's get going" he said and started to walk still carrying me. I kept my head in his shirt. I breathed in a whiff, I missed his smell. Before I knew it, I was being put in the driver's seat of my car. I finally looked up to see him smiling at me. "I'll meet you at your house" he said and closed the door. I slumped into my seat and sighed happily.

This was the best birthday ever.

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