It was a very long and complicated story to which I feel like I still don't know all the details to. I knew that idea was ridiculous, though. Witches couldn't be with werewolves. And, also, werewolves were meant to have mates for a reason. So that they wouldn't be with any other species besides our own.

The sound of Alpha Samuel's horn brought me back to reality. It had begun.

Adam took the first lunge at my father, he slid to his right just before Adam reached him causing him to trip. There were a few small chuckles, but the majority stayed quiet.

Before Mr. Bradshaw could get up, my father jumped onto his back surprising him and starting beating him. I felt relief wash over me as I watched the scene play out. This, however, only lasted a few moments before Adam rose up throwing my father flying onto his back. He groaned and tried to get up but he couldn't.

Adam was heavily breathing as he stomped his way over to my father and began punching him. You could see anger take over his whole being as his hits became harder and harder.

It was hard to watch him getting beaten, but I had to see what was happening to my father.

Soon my father went limp and was no longer trying to shield himself from Adam.

Alpha Samuel rose from his seat and howled loudly. My heart shattered as if someone had taken a hammer to it, and with big watery eyes I looked at my mother who only sobbed into my shoulder. Her wails were loud and I hugged her as my tears poured from my eyes like waterfalls.

We were banished.

"Gordon Brown I, hereby, banish you and your family from these grounds. If you or any of your family is to set foot on this territory you will be punished and or executed depending on the circumstances. You all have an hour to gather your things and leave." His voice rang loudly through the crowd and then everybody dispersed, as if they had just finished watching a concert and now it was time for everybody to leave. My family's banishment was just a show for everyone.

All I wanted was my mate but he was no where in sight. I only felt even sadder now and clutched onto my mother.


It had been one week since our leaving from the star pack and I was hungry, tired, and angry.

"Ophelia don't stray too far from us," my mother called out to me. I was pissed.

"Maybe I wouldn't need to stray too far if I didn't feel completely mad!" I glared at them. "First I lose my brother and now my home, but you expect me to be all rainbows and butterflies to the both of you!"

"Ophelia, it's not your mother's fault," my father tried to come to her defense.

"No it isn't! It's your fault for doing this to us! I had just barely met my mate before I was ripped away from him and now I may never get to see him." I screamed at him with my tear filled eyes. I ran off I couldn't bare the thought of being close to him.

I heard my mother yell my name out worriedly but it only made me run faster.

I ended up at a clearing near a waterfall.

I could go for a swim. I thought.

Once I stripped down to my undergarments I dove into the water. It was quite deep, deeper than I had expected but I loved swimming and I was really good at it, so I wasn't scared. I heard loud thumps approaching me quickly and I panicked.

I quickly swam to the water fall and hid behind it. I knew it was childish but I didn't want to be around my parents any longer I just needed space.

"Opheliaaaa!" I heard my mother yell. "Ophelia! Stop with these games and show yourself! I can smell your scent!"

"Ophelia!" My father's deep voice had scared me that I slipped off of the ledge I was standing on. I fell into the water and my foot crashed in between the rocks. The rocks caught my ankle and panic swelled inside of me as I tried to vigorously pull my leg out.

My lack of oxygen was starting to affect me and soon my lungs filled with the water. My lungs regenerated only to be filled with more water. I saw my father dive for me but because I was so deep in the water he couldn't reach me before he had to gasp for more air. That was when my mother came in and rescued me. She didn't seem to need any air but my train of thought was more focused on her rescuing me then the thought of her not needing any oxygen.

When we surfaced I coughed up almost the entire ocean. I cried my eyes out, terrified. I sat on a rock hugging my knees sobbing.

"Ophelia, never do that again!" My father scolded me.

"Gordon, give her a minute before you try to teach her a lesson won't you!" My mother quietly yelled.

I was too focused on myself to notice they were discussing something else quietly. By the time I tried to enhance my hearing all I caught was the ending. " ...we have to tell her!" I heard my mother speak.

I looked at them confused. "Tell me what?" I asked.

"Nothi-" My father began to say.

"I'm a witch!" My mother cut him off.

My eyes widened. "What? How? Is that even possible?" I asked hurriedly.

I heard my father sigh, "Claris."

"She needs to know. Now is the time and don't you dare fight me on this." She turned away from my father and sat next to me. I scooted slightly away from her not wanting to touch her just yet. "I'm a witch and so are you honey." She said more calmly.

My eyes bugged out of my head, "Me!? A witch!? I don't feel like a witch." I said confused.

"Your powers are dormant but you can activate them if you train. My mother trained me and my grandmother trained her. Now it's time I train you."

"But how is this even possible. I'm a werewolf and a witch? This doesn't make sense." I mumbled out perplexed at the thought of this.

"Your ancestor, Eliza Clark, she was a witch but she had fallen in love with a werewolf. He had denied his mate for her and all they had wanted were children. So she had created a spell that allowed witches–from her descent only, of course–to be with werewolves and were forced to be mates of werewolves. She had passed down her genes and when they were mixed with the werewolf ones they created the first hybrid. Her name was Venus. Many of the witches in our family tried to reverse the spell or something but she was too powerful and her spell was impossible to even try to remove. It only occurs in the women of our family. Your.."
She paused getting choked up. "Your brother never had any powers. God I miss him so much." My father laid a comforting hand on her shoulder and she leaned in towards him.

Part of me felt like this was false, as if it were a made up fairytale story but another part of me always knew something was different about me.

I focused on anything I felt inside of me hoping to somehow feel magic inside of me but I felt nothing specific. I just had a vague feeling in the back of my mind that something was different.

"Ophelia," I looked up at my mother. "It's time I teach you about magic."

A/N: Please let me know in the comments what you think!

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