Chapter 6

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September 22 2019 7 am

John joins Unnamed chat
John adds Freddie to Unnamed chat

Freddie: why are we not with the hooligans

John: i honestly dunno

Freddie: wut do u wanna talk about

John: idk. Brian kept kicking me and Roger was snoring loud. I shouldv'e went to sleep wit u

Freddie: ya. U made a dumb disicion. Oh well we're humans. We make mistakes  :P

John: true. Also that's not how u spell decision. It like dis

Freddie: shouldv'e woke up later

John: i barely got maybe 2 -3 hrs of sleep. I didn't go to sleep until we stopped talking around 2:30 maybe. That does sound fun tho: waking up later. But if it's on a shcool day then i'll be screwd.

Freddie: why were u on ur phone at 1am anyway? Also da last sentence: ur right

John: like i said: i couldn't sleep. Even when i woke up i felt like sh!+

Freddie: oof. Hope u feel better deaks :P Also where the hell r u? :""(

John: i went home bc my mum wouldv'e gotten pissed if i came home at 10 am. When i said, "Im gOnNa gO To tHe pArK". And yes i used my window this time.

Freddie: awwww u left me with the hooligans :(

John: i sowwy. I didn't want any of us to get in trouble.

Freddie: then u shouldv'e took Bri & Rog with u. I mean might as well.

John: well my first and last stop was my house cuz it started sprinkling :(

Freddie: oof. Were u walking in da rain?

John: it was barely sprinkling but a few minutes later it was raining. Im fine :D

Freddie: dats gud to hear. At least u won't be drenched like Bri & Rog for when they go home ^^

John: they still aren't home?

Freddie: nope. It's alright tho my mum won't come back till around 5ish

John: :O now u making me jelous. I wanna go back :P

Freddie: u can. It's just me and them. We're playing spin the bottle........

John: "SoRrY DeAcY OnLy 18+" Can i still come over?

Freddie: of course!

John: yay!-


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September 22 2019 8:39 am

Deacy joins Stupidness
Deacy adds Freddie to Stupidness
Deacy adds Bri to Stupidness
Deacy adds Roger to Stupidness

Freddie: Deacy is coming back

Roger: yay

Bri: :D ^

Deacy: i slipped and fell. ouchie

Roger: how?

Freddie: he slipped on MY window.

Bri: oh shet he's already here?

Roger: ya go look xD srry Deacy but dat just funny

Deacy: ok. StOrY TiMe: i was trying to get up do Fred's window and i accidently YEETED my SHOE! It hit me on my chest, and i fell.

Roger: 1 and 3/7 stars for a good story

Bri: shut up Rog. >_<

Freddie: i don't know wut u mean by "1 and 3/7"

Deacy: Freddie, it's a fraction

Roger: like 1 and 3/7 sugars... U even know wut fractions r?

Freddie: BaReLy. *Not joking

Bri: Freddie? Wut do u know?

Freddie: not much. I know how to bathe, put on clothes, take care of cats, talk to ppl, and exist.

Deacy: ok gud enough

Roger: enough knowledge for me

Bri: °>° so i guess im smarter?

Freddie: yup yall r way smarter den me😖

Deacy: oof. Don't cry! Ur gonna make me cry!😖😞

Roger: go hug like yall did earlier ;3

Bri: ya. Go hug :P

Deacy: okei -hugs Freddie-

Freddie: -hugs Deacy back- TeH MeAnY


Deacy: haha ur me target. Fred go get da water gun

Roger: Nuuuuuu plss don't shoot me wit it

Freddie: okei. We will, don't worry

Bri: im hiding. Somewhere.............

Deacy: FoUnD U BrI!!!


Deacy: gud enough reason. Let's go get Roger

Bri: ok

Roger: plss don't shoot meh wit da Super Soaker 😰

Freddie: we will

Bri: we're getting u with the blaster & the super soaker :)

Deacy: ^ mhm

Roger: plss don't shoot meh IM BEGGING U

Deacy: okei fine. But no crying if we do

Roger: fine :)

A/N thx to everyone reading dis. I honestly didn't know ppl would read dis a lot. And wut do u think the next chapter should be? I don't really have any ideas after this.

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