erisol--forgive me

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amberheartedlove thanks for carrying about eridan and I'm sorry that your message was deemed offensive to the app, I had no control over that but thank you for commenting!



I struggled to breath with the land dweller choking me with my own scarf. "s-sol, please i-it's m-me..." I began to go faint but then my neck released from its constriction. I gasped for breath and loosened the scarf. I looked at sollux starting at me with a fearful expression.

"ED ii-ii'm 2orry, ii'm 2o 2orry! ii diidn't mean to hurt you, ii thought ii was stiill iin my niightmare." sollux cried infront of me.

I pulled him into a warm embrace.  "I'm not angry at you sollux,  it only hurt a little." I soothed sollux, but he still looked at me as if I had just beaten him mercilessly. "wwould you like to tell me about your nightmare? "

sollux nodded and sighed. "well iit 2tarted iin a dark room,"



"well iit 2tarted iin a dark room," I began.

"everyone wa2 gone except for you. but you weren't you."

I pulled my knees to my chest. "you had your harpoon aiimed at me and you 2hot me multiiple tiime2 wiith iit and you laughed a2 I begged for mercy." yellow tears flowed down my face and I began to tremble. 

"ii even confessed two you and you 2hot me 2traiight throught the heart wiith your harpoon." I was to scared and upset to realize what I had just said.

"you confessed? " I tensed when eridan asked that. "wwhat diid you confess."

erisol yaoiWhere stories live. Discover now