"She's not my girlfriend and we never raised Charis to believe Lilith is her other mom."

"It still doesn't change the situation." Adalyne said, then sort of slumped and leaned into me.

"Right, you're going to the hospital." I said, then stood and lifted Adalyne with me.

Lilith looked super pissed as she carried a screaming Charis back to us, followed by a confused Lucas. I held Adalyne close, then looked at Lilith regretfully, "I'm really sorry and we'll talk about this later, but will you please drive us to the hospital?"

"What if she's contagious?! Do you really want our kids trapped in a car with her and whatever she has?!"

"For fucks sake, Lilith. We're wasting time! Look at her!"

Lilith took one look at Adalyne, then huffed, before motioning to follow her. I let out a sigh of relief and picked up Adalyne to carry her to the car, then mumbled a thank you when Lilith opened the door for us. I helped Adalyne into the backseat, then got in next to her and pulled her into me. Lilith slammed the door and told Lucas to sit up front, then opened the other door and helped Charis into her seat.

"You owe me huge for this." Lilith growled from the drivers seat as she started the car.

"I know." I hummed, then placed my hand on Adalyne's forehead again. She was on fire and already fast asleep with an arm wrapped tight around my middle.

Lucas was quiet and only Charis asked one, simple question, "Is Ada sick?"

I lifted my head and looked into those little, worried eyes and answered, "Yes, darling, but the doctors will make her better."

"Okay, mommy." My perfect girl said, then started babbling about the horses on the carousel.

We pulled up to the hospital and Lilith barely let me shut the door before she sped off. I would be pissed that she's driving like that with my daughter in the car, but no matter how angry she is, Lilith would never put our children in danger and I had a more pressing problem at hand.

We were checked in quickly, not because of Adalyne's celebrity status, but God forbid - Moira's. Apparently, the receptionists brother received a full scholarship into one of Moira's schools and she had met Adalyne at one time when they were together. Gross, but whatever, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and accepted this as a blessing for once.

I had to wait in the lobby because I no longer had the right to stay with Adalyne as they wheeled her back since we're not married anymore. That annoyed me more than it should, but facts are facts. I sent those divorce papers; I deserve this.

I texted Lilith and told her I would be home as soon as I knew Adalyne was safe, but she didn't respond. That's fine too. I'm not in the mood to play out this inevitable fight over the phone anyway. It seems that's all we do these days, especially since I started sleeping on the sofa after I came back from New York and told her it was over for probably the hundredth time, but now, I think she believes me. She still hasn't made any progress in finding a place though and I wonder if that's on purpose. I like to believe it's because she doesn't want to separate the kids from each other, or Lucas from me, but it's probably more of a financial thing. It's cheaper to pay half the rent with me, instead of coming up with all of it on her own. While that should frustrate me, I don't want Lucas to suffer or go without, so I haven't pressed the issue.

It was 2 hours before a nurse came out to the lobby searching for me by calling out my name. I raised my hand, then followed her after she said that Adalyne was asking for me. I was led to a private room, where Adalyne lay in a bed with an I.V. hooked into her, but was already looking much better.

"Hey, sweet girl." I breathed out, then walked to the bed and held her hand.

Adalyne squeezed my hand, then said, "Hey. I'm sorry for all the fuss."

"Don't ever be sorry for something like this. You really scared me for a moment. Did they say what's wrong?"

Adalyne shrugged, then answered, "They're working on it, but they said I probably had a heat stroke, brought on by dehydration and prolonged exposure to the sun. Add a little stress to that and here we are."

"Stress.. I did that to you. You're here because of me. I'm so sorry, Adalyne."

"No, Jazmin. I mean, yeah, I was shocked to find out you have a daughter, but this is on me. I drank too much a couple of days ago and spent all day hungover yesterday. I was too busy to properly hydrate before traveling back here and I had coffee with my breakfast this morning, but nothing after that. It's hot here and I haven't adjusted yet. I need to take better care of myself."

"Still, I feel somewhat responsible. Did the doctor say you'll be alright?"

"I'll be just fine and you're not responsible, but why didn't you tell me about Charis? I'm trying not to be hurt, or offended by this, but I don't understand. Isn't that something you should have told me? The first thing?"

I let go of Adalyne's hand, then walked across the room and drug a chair to the side of the bed. "I didn't know how to, but also, there is nothing more important to me than her. I had to be 100% sure that you wouldn't leave us before letting you in her life."

"Wasn't your intention to get me back when you showed up at my gallery opening? What was your plan if you were successful? Make me fall in love with you again, then I would have to accept your daughter? Or, were you leading me on like Lilith?"

"Adalyne... no, it's not like that. I had hoped that our reunion would go very differently and I probably would have told you about Charis, but you seemed so uncertain about me. I didn't want to complicate things at first, then, I figured, what's the point if you're not going to stick around anyway."

"You should have told me regardless. A child is kind of an important thing to know about before attempting any sort of relationship, Jazmin."

"I know. I fucked up. Is Charis a problem for you?"

"You really did and I'm not happy about you keeping such a big secret, but no. I don't think I've ever seen anything so precious in my life. She's perfect, Jazmin."

And there she goes, making me fall deeper in love with her. "She is, isn't she?"

Adalyne just smiled and nodded, then asked, "Why did you name her after me?"

"I rarely do anything without you in mind."

Adalyne was quiet for a moment, then spoke softly, "Jazmin..."

"I know, you need time, but do you think you'll ever get to a place where you would consider letting us be part of your life?"

Adalyne smiled, then answered, "I'm here because I made a choice and have been working toward that choice. I want you back and now, I feel more ready than ever to try again. I can't believe you're an "us" though. It's still blowing my mind."

"Are we too much? I know you loved kids at one time, but I don't know if that's the case anymore."

"Of course not. She seems like a smart girl and is the spitting image of you. If anything, it will be hard for me to say no to a miniature you."

"And Lucas? I know he's not mine, but I love him as if he were. I'm not going to abandon him just because his mother and I are no longer together."

"I rather like the boy. He seems like a good kid... but, what about Lilith? She didn't act as if you're no longer together and I'm not ok with being the other woman. Honestly, Jazmin, I moved here temporarily to see if I could be happy in Santa Monica of my own accord and not rely on you for that happiness, but you are still a major factor. I can co-parent and share your children someday, but I can't share you with her. I've dealt with my issues, why haven't you?"

"I have! I promise! She knows it's over, but is having trouble finding a place. I'm not going to kick her out, especially with Lucas in mind. What do you expect me to do here, Adalyne?"

"I don't know, Jazmin."

"Well, I don't know either."

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