s p o t s

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Graphic Shop

- this is where you find up to six graphic designers. The book consists of info about them and examples of their works.

- graphic designers are required to make covers for people who request from them within the span of one week.

- graphic designers are allowed to decline requests but only if the reason is valid.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

Faceclaim Store

- this book contains face claims (models, actresses, actors, singers, models, etc).

- faceclaimers are required to give a face claim every week. You can give more than one if you choose to.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

Lattes Prompt Store

- this book contains different prompts (dialogue, writing, drawing, etc) from different genres (romance, short story, humour, etc).

- prompters are required to give one prompt a week. You can give more if you choose.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

Lattes Editing Store

- this book contains editors who will edit the chapters of your book(s).

- editors are required to edit any amount of chapters that they can.

- you are allowed to decline any request but your reason must be valid.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

Lattes Review Shop

- this book contains reviewers and reviews from these reviewers.

-reviewers are required to review five chapters of each book they accept and pm me the review based on the criteria given in the book.

- reviewers are allowed to decline requests only if the reason is valid.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

Lattes Recommending Store

- this book consists of recommenders (people who read your book and if they like it, recommend it to others).

- recommenders are required to read up to three chapters of a book (or more) and if you really enjoyed that book and gave it a 3-5 star, you must give me the author and title and I will publish a chapter with that info.

- recommenders are required to give a short review containing the reason why you recommended the book.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

Writing Contest

- this one will be hosted by me but I will need helpers/judges. More information will be in the book itself.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

Graphic Contest

- this one will be hosted by me but I will need helpers/judges. More information will be in the book itself.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

Lattes Book Club

- this one is hosted by me but I will need some helpers/judges. More information will be in the book itself.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->


- anyone can sign up for this. Admins are required to take over activities on this account [graphic contests, writing contests, book clubs, editing shop, etc]

- You must be 15 years and older to sign up for this one and must be online for at least 2 hours to check up on everything you signed up for.

Note: you can only sign up for two and if you'd like, you can request a helper/assistant/backup admin. This is optional for only a few [editing shop, face-claim shop, prompt store] but mandatory for the graphic and writing contest, the book club, review shop, graphic shop and recommending store.

- admins are required to look over the chosen club/contest/store and make sure everything is going well. You may pm the main admin of this account [ voidlattes / rewritteen ] for further instruction on what to do based on what you are doing.

- yes, we will be sharing the account. I will pm you the password to this account so that you will have access to the stores/contests/groups, etc.

Note: do not sign up if you will not be to any use. Do not waste your time doing anything negative to this account or on this account. If you are caught violating anything, you will be kicked out and the password will be changed. If you change the password on your own without telling me, I will be able to hack the account since I am a pro in hacking.

Please, if you have no intention of doing well here, do not sign up. I am taking a risk by trusting you guys and giving you the password to this account, the least you could do is respect that, me and everyone else who genuinely wants to help.

If you have any questions for this spot, comment inline here -->

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