Ch. 15: Gone Girl

Start from the beginning

Caroline got an idea. "We've got to invite her to something that Elena can't say no to." 

Bonnie's voice was on speaker. "A surprise party? Seriously? I wanted a spa day. You try feeling the death of every supernatural creature who passes through you on their way to the Other Side." 

Jeremy's voice was on speaker. "I'm not saying you don't deserve it. Besides, her birthday isn't until next week." 

"That's what makes it a surprise," Caroline told them.

Caroline called Katherine. 

Then Bonnie tried.

Katherine still denied to leave.


Down in the cell, I bit my wrist, dripping my blood into a glass.

"What are you doing?" Damon asked.

I held the glass toward him. "Here you go. Drink." 

Damon chugged the glass in one gulp. "I need more."

"Too bad," I told him. 

"That was nothing!" Damon told me. 

"That was exactly four ounces," I told him. "When you were out killing vampires, you said one vampire kept you good for eight hours. So, our friend Caroline did a little bit of math." 

"Caroline?" Damon repeated skeptically. 

"Relax, she had a calculator," I told him. "So, four ounces, three times a day should be just enough to help you manage the hunger." 

"Manage me?" Damon asked. 

"So you don't rip anyone's head off," I told him. "We'll deal with your crisis once we get Elena back."

"I'll deal with my own crisis," Damon told me. "Listen, you just let me out of here, I'll find Wes, I'll get the antidote." 

"And then what?" I asked. "Huh? You skip town, leave it to us to tell Elena everything you did after you thought she broke up with you? No." 

Stefan walked closer, dialing a number.

"Who you calling there, buddy?" Damon asked.

"Katherine's been making a lot of excuses, and I have a feeling she won't be able to say no to me," Stefan told us.

A phone rang. 

We exchanged a look.

I took Damon's phone out of my pocket. "It's your phone. 'Elena' is calling. Answer it." 

I tossed it to Damon.

Damon caught it, answering. "Elena, hey." 

"Hey, um, how are you?" 

"Oh, you know, strung up, hungry, same old same old." 

"Now that the dust has settled, I was hoping that, I don't know, maybe . . .we can talk about what happened at the farm house. Can I see you?" 

"Okay. Sure. Why don't you just come to the house and we'll just talk about it here?" 

"Perfect. I'll see you soon."

"Okay, bye." 

Damon hung up.


"That doesn't make any sense," Stefan told us. "She dodged anyone's attempt to try to get her over here, and now she voluntarily wants to come over?" 

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