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A removals truck just pulled up next door. Was not expecting that...
The last owners of the house had moved out because the father had made a 'big break' and was offered a job in New York. I secretly think that they just couldn't afford to live there anymore.

I hope that my new neighbours are my age. I would just DIE if they had little kids like my other neighbours do.

I should probably be doing my homework but I'm too slack and besides getting new neighbours is more important.

Oh dayum! Praise to the sweet heavens! One sexy piece of hunk had just jumped out of the Land Rover that was following the truck.


Man, why does my mum always have to interrupt my pervfest.

I quickly run down the stairs
To see what she is screeching about.

" we have to go next door and greet our new neighbours to the neighbourhood."

You gotta be kidding me.

" what are you now, the one man welcoming committee?"

"Stop arguing with me missy. We have to be nice and neighbourly."

Oh goody meeting the hot new neighbour with my mother in tow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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