But they were. She was lying on shards of ice.

It wasn't as if they could have changed--

"Why have the Kings of Foxwood sent a spy into my palace?"

Nicola freezes, horrified.

There's someone stood behind a pillar on the opposite side of the throne room, barely visible in the shadows.

Oh yes, those floorboards could have changed.

Nicola's stomach clenches.

She'd anticipated guards or servants or a gardener. She'd prepared for guards or servants or gardeners.

But she'd barely spared a thought for the person she'd come to spy on.

She probably should have.

Before she can even form a reply, a pale hand slithers from the shadows and makes a lazy gesture towards her.

The shards of ice shoot up from around her and reform in the walkway above.

King Tedros doesn't move. Nicola doesn't move.

"I... don't quite know." she says slowly. "They didn't really tell me much."

"Then why are you here?"

His voice is low and leaning towards harsh, and his intonation is slightly odd, as if there's something wrong with his mouth.

"They promised me a big payout." says Nicola truthfully. "Enough to support my family for years."

"And what did they tell you to get?"

Nicola swallows thickly.

"Just information."

"About what?"

"You." Nicola says. "Your majesty." she hastens to add.

There's a pause.

"And what do Rhian and Japeth want to know about me?"

"Anything. But mostly..."

She stops.

"Mostly?" he presses from the shadows.

"They wanted to know if Queen Agatha is still being held here. How. Where. That sort of... that sort of thing."


Nicola bites her cheek.

"They believe the old tale, sire."

"I don't believe I'm familiar with this old tale." a sneering note has crept into his voice, now. "Perhaps you could fill me in."

Nicola stares.

"So she's not a captive--"

"Queen Agatha, my wife, is in her kingdom." snaps the King. "I'm leaving this afternoon, to go to her for several months, so my kingdom can have a summer. Now, seeing as you've broken into my palace on an errand for two meddling boy Kings... I'd like you, Nicola Pipp, to tell me what exactly it is that they believe."


Nicola knows it by heart, which is just as well, because she can tell his patience is fraying. But first--

"How do you know my--"

"Those birds have been following you ever since you entered the citadel and your landlady saw the castle plans in your belongings." says Tedros shortly. "I make and control them. Had you looked closer, you'd have noticed they were made of ice and snow."

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