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"Holy fuck." Richie said.
Dustin walked over to them.
"Hi! My name is Dustin Henderson, I know what you just saw may have startled you, but she won't hurt you." Dustin said trying to explain without scaring them.
"M-my name is B-Bill." Bill said. Reaching his hand out towards Dustin gesturing for a hand shake.
Dustin smiled slightly.
"You guys aren't gonna like cry or run away?" Lucas said walking over to them.
Beverly looked at Ben, and then back at Lucas.
"Uh we've seen weirder to be honest." Beverly smiled.
"Beverly Marsh." She said reaching her hand to Lucas. 
Max and Will walked over to them in excitement.
Mike and Eleven stayed back while Mike whipped the blood from her nose with his sleeve.
"Are you ok?" He said.
"Never better." She said kissing him on the cheek.
"Ok love birds." Dustin said.

"Ok Rich this is actually getting weird, he looks just like you." Eddie said smiling.
"Nonsense Eds." Richie said walking down to Mike as he pushes up his glasses.
Lucas and Will looked at each other in shock of the similarity's to their faces.
Mike gave Richie a disgusted look as he made his way over. Eleven walked in front of Mike, as if to protect him. But then her eyes widened.
"M-Mike?" She asked putting her hand on Richies cheek.
"Hoooooly shit I think I just grew an inch." Richie said gesturing to his "wang".
Mike grabes Eleven and held her away from Richie.
"Seriously?" Stan yelled.
"C'mon Richie!" Beverly rolled her eyes.
"Yah c'mon Richie she just saved our asses." Eddie said.
"Holy fuck do you talk fast." Max said looking at Eddie.
Eddies eyes widened as Max flipped her pretty red hair. His heart pounded in his chest. He swallowed.

"Seriously I don't look like him." Richie said.
"What the hell," Mike yelled looking at him.
"Not at all."  He said.
Eleven even looked at him with confusion.

"So anyways." Dustin said clapping his hands.
"It was nice meeting you all but we have a town to visit." He nodded.
"Finally." Mike said.
"Wait." Stan yelled.
"Guys that girl just picked rocks up with her mind." Stan whispered to the Losers.
"Yah we know Stan, we were there." Eddie said.
Max chuckled at that. Eddie looked over at her and smiled nervously.
"No she could potentially get rid of 'IT'." He said winking.
"Huh s-she could k-kill the c-clown." Bill said.
"Yah great idea Bill." Stan rolled his eyes over to one of the guys waiting.
Will was already looking at him. Stan straightened his neck to look at him. Will looked away as quick as he could to avoid the shameful stare.
"W-we need t-to ask you s-something." Bill said looking at them.
"But we should probably go somewhere more less likely to be taken over by Bowers again." Beverly said smiling.
"Well alright" Dustin said turning around to his friends.
"This ok?" He said.
Will nodded his head vigorously.
Max eyed Eddie and smiled at the already staring boy.
"Yah ok." She nodded
"Why not?" Lucas said grabbing Max's hand.
Eddie saw this and looked away.
Max pulled her hand away quickly. Her and Lucas had gotten into a fight before they left for Derry.

"No no no!" Mike said interrupting the group. The losers looked over at him worried.
"We aren't doing this," he said.
"And why would that be?" Max mimicking his previous sarcasm towards her from earlier. Mike flipped her off.
"First of all we don't even know them, they could just being leading us to our death beds, or if not, you know they're gonna ask something related to Els powers." He said shaking his head.
"Mike they need our help." Max said.
"I don't care." He said looking at her.
"C'mon Mike." Eleven said looking at him with her puppy dog eyes.
Mike rolled his eyes and smiled slightly at her, he could never resist her puppy dog eyes.
"Fine but if this gets sketchy we leave." He said looking at Dustin. Dustin smiled and looked back at the losers and clapped his hands together.

"Onward." He said gesturing for them to lead the way.

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