Chapter 11: Digging up the Body

Start from the beginning

"You have callers." She sneers and walks off.

Roman rolls his eyes and turns back to Celena and Peter.

"Yeah?" Roman asks as he walks towards the billiard room with a drink in his hand

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"Yeah?" Roman asks as he walks towards the billiard room with a drink in his hand.

"We need to talk." Peter states as he and Celena follow Roman.

"Yeah, well, maybe this is something you should be discussing with your guidance counselor, huh?" Roman scoffs bitterly as he repeats Peter's earlier words.

"Maybe I will." Peter sneers in Roman's face.

"Ok!" Celena gets in between them. "Bell has rang. To your corners!" She shoves them apart from each other.

Peter sits on a window bay while Roman leans on the pool table. Glaring at each other.

"Look...Roman, we got a problem." Celena turns to face Roman. "Christina's accusation is turning into a wild fire. The cops just brought in a woman from Fish and Game and she's looking into the case."

Roman shrugs, "What's the big deal? The Wendell girl totally flipped out. They aren't going to be taking it seriously."

"Oh, they are." She says.

"It's not that simple. All right, this woman is what she says she is like a Mexican hates fireworks." Peter states.

Roman frowns, "What is she?"

"She's a digger."

Roman took offense at that, the way Peter eyes him, "The only people who really know what you are are your mom, Celena and me. And I know how to button up!" He shouts.

"That's not why I'm here." Peter states.

"Then, why are you here?" Roman sneers.

Peter was about to speak, but nods at Celena, "Tell him."

Celena sighs, "I read her mind. She's looking for the vargulf."

Roman's eyes widen, "What?"

"She's on a suicide mission. She's working for someone outside of Fish and Game, but I don't know who. She also has Peter on her list of suspects." Celena explains.

Roman plays with some of the pool balls, "So what are you afraid she digs up?" He asks.

Peter was silent for a moment, "Nicolae."

"He's still alive?" Roman asks.

"No, but if she goes deep enough, she's gonna find out."

"What does your grandfather have to do with you?" Celena asks.

"Nicolae was a killer. He killed one of our own. That's where this comes from." Peter unbuttons his shirt, exposing the 'g' tattoo. "It stands for 'Garjo'. 'Outsider'. Nicolae stood outside of all worlds and I to Nicolae."

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