crushes friends music and scary things

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So first are my friends i don't really have any friends so but the ones on here count i guess so

1 this is my first friend she is cool she likes star wars but i don't know if she has watched the new movie yet so don't give any spoilers i have not seen the movie yet LadyArwenEvenStar

2 this is my first best friend she likes the Undisputed era me and her had a war that she won but i gave her the win so i don't know if that counts i think it do mychalconformedsk

3 i don't really know much about her but i think we are friends lol stay_blissful

And now we move on to crushes

1 my crush was a girl named Nicole i met her first grade which is funny sense she is my first crush so in first grade she helped me with my homework she was cute and then second grade happened she changed her attitude from a girl who helped her friends and got an a on every thing to a girl who has her own group and she got an a plus on everything and in second grade we got candy after class so Nicole comes up to me and says hey if you give me your candy i will play with you tomorrow during recess

And of course me being in love i said yes and guess what

SHE DIDN'T SHOW UP she was playing with her friends so like the next day
I play tag with her and her friends it was fun and then she told me that she knows i have a crush on her and then she left me so like a couple of days later at recess i was just walking around when she came up to me asked if i was ok i said yes and then she hey if you want some of the boys play soccer and sometimes i watch you want to join ? sure but i have to use the bathroom first i said ok i will see you over there she said i then left after i was done i went to the grass field because that is where they played soccer i saw Nicole she was crying i went up to her and i asked her what was wrong she said she got hit in the face by the ball and then later that day school was over for the day and she met my parents they said Maybe this weekend she can go to a restaurant with Nicole and her parents it didn't happen

So instead we had lunch at school it was my parents one of my brothers and we could invite 2 people to join us me and my brother did so i could not find her so i invite Michael 1 and Michael 2 we go back to the table and my brother invite Nicole and Nicoles sister i sat next to Nicole and now we are on the last thing it was Valentine's Day we had school so at the end of the day she gave me her phone number and said that she is moving she went to Oklahoma i have family there i still have a crush on her we are the same age i think

2 and 3 the iiconics

Well my first wrestling crush this is the moment that i started having a crush on them

Skip to 2 27 on the video

And then last year they won the titles at WrestleMania and i will say this again it is not there fault that there Title reign was bad anyway i love this video

And this next one i think is funny

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