Chapter 3

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h o l y I haven't updated this in months! Sorry for those of you who actually enjoy this crap heh
You and b/f/n were currently on your way to the piano bar you had been at the day before.

"If he's there I'll be in the state of shock." you said as you two entered the bar.

And low and behold he wasn't there [*jazz hands*]

"See I knew it!" You stated, extremely disappointed.

"You would've met him yesterday if you didn't go and get drunk!" b/f/n says irritated.

"Oh shush!" you exclaimed, sighing immediately afterwards.

B/f/n rolls her eyes and slaps you on the shoulder playfully

"Ow" you said frowning.

"Oh grow up" B/f/n said, walking over to the piano. "Sir do you mind if I play a song?" b/f/n asked the man sitting at the piano.

"Oh not at all" the man said, scooting over so b/f/n could sit on the seat. B/f/n sat on the seat, cracking her fingers before starting to play a song from Mozart [I don't know the names of any specific songs from him so feel free to choose the song yourself if you've heard of him!]

"Interesting selection" the man says, starting to play along as the song is able to be used as a duo. [I have no idea if you can do that with Mozart's songs, I think you can do that with all songs? I seriously don't know..]

You watched the two in awe. You've always loved listening to piano music, you've tried to play piano before and it failed, guess you just weren't made for that kind of thing.

The song ended and everyone in the room started clapping, including you.

"You would you like to work here, playing the piano?" the man offered to b/f/n.

"Oh I'd love to! But I'm afraid I already have a job and wouldn't have the time to work here, thank you for offering" B/f/n said with a smile.

B/f/n moved off of the seat of the piano and took you by the wrist over to the bar. "Do you really trust me to sit here?" you said with a small laugh.

"I'm going to tell the bartender to not sell you any kind of alcoholic drink, you're going to make me go crazy some day {name}" B/f/n says, shaking their head.

413 words~^
Authors note: I haven't written for this fanfiction in a while so I barely remember how I wrote it, if I remember I think I made b/f/n a female so now they'll be gender neutral. And I'm pretty sure I would put y/n or (y/n) but now I'm going to put {name}.

the piano bar | aizawa s. | discontinuedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat