Welcoming Diva

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I stared up at the WWF logo in awe. Wow this is big. Imagine what I could do here. Beat bunch of Divas and stand at the top holding the title with everybody screaming my name.

A finger snaps pulled me out of my day dream, "you need to stop doing that." I stared at my best friend Natalya. She knows what my thoughts were every time I day dreamed. What can I say it's an advantage to know someone for 20 plus years.

"I know, I know but we finally made it. The WWF can you believe it!?" The one thing Nat never liked was change. She liked being in Canada with all the small promotions but this was our dream, so she was happy.

"I know Lexi it's crazy but we are not here to show off but to make a point for women all over the world." She was right. We were here to empower women, not stick our tits at the crowd. "You're father would be proud," I smiled at her.

As we enter the building we saw bunch of superstars and divas like Ken Shamrock, the Rock, Mankind.

We were given directions one where to go in the building, we were supposed to see Mr.McMahon. We were talking about god knows what until we run into Ivory. Oh my god, Ivory. "Oh jeez, we are so sorry, are you alright. Nat asked her as she whipped dust off of her. "Wow don't worry about it that much." She laughed it off and asked "where are you going?"

Me and Nat look at each other. Why would she want to know?
"Umm,to Mr.McMahon's office." "Oh great, you're Lexi Jordyn and Natty Colt, right?" We looked at her confused and nodded. "Okay great, three halls down, 4th door to you're left." We said our thanks and goodbyes and went to go see the CEO of WWF.

I take a deep breath as Nat knocks on the door to his office. "Come in!" A voice yelled, I opened the door to notice Mr.Mcmahon sitting at his desk.

"Please girls, sit down" he gestured for us to sit on the chairs. "So I see you two have great wrestling experience in your hands, something you don't see often here, that's for sure." He laughed at his own comment.

"Mr.Mcmahon me and my friend Lexi just wanted to let you know that yes we may work for you now and yes you can rip that away from us but we want to make a point for women and be part of match cards."

"No problem, that leaves Sable out I guess." He mumbled the past part to himself. "You're hired, You start tomorrow. See you two the." We nod our heads in a thank you motion and left. Right when we exited to building we jump up, "YES, we made it!" Nat said with cheer. " yes we did I repeated. This was a dream come true. We got in the car and drove to our hotel.

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