1 || ʀᴇᴍɪɴɪsᴄɪɴɢ

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"Stop moving," Mark grumbled, putting his hands on Donghyuck's waist in an attempt to stop him from moving, but it only resulted in making the younger more restless. "Donghyuck...are you okay?"

"Feel bad," Donghyuck replied shortly after, his voice coming out in pants as he felt the world spin despite him laying down. He felt a strange heat in his stomach and the back of his eyes ached. His muscles couldn't stop moving and all he wanted was to take a cold shower, yet not get out of his bed.

"What do you mean by that?" Mark panicked, sitting up immediately as Donghyuck whimpered again. "Donghyuck, should I call someone in?"

"No, no," Donghyuck let out a sigh and shut his eyes, unable to take the bright light of the lamp once Mark turned it on. "Just get me some medicine, please."

"Alright, I'll be right back," Mark jumped out of the bed, running over to the door and swung it open. He rushed out and quickly rummaged through the kitchen cabinets, wondering where the medicine was. He had taken it out just yesterday for Donghyuck and now it was missing again. "Hey, guys!" He called out into the living room and the members replied together. "Where's Hyuck's medicine?"

"In his room," Yuta answered and before he could ask why Mark was in such a rush, he dashed past them, not even sparing a glance at the members and entered Donghyuck's room again. The medicine, in fact, was on his bedside table, decorated nicely in a red and grey box alongside a glass of water.

Donghyuck was still breathing unsteadily but it was a lot better than what he had been like only a few minutes ago. His hair was stuck to his face and his limbs were spread out like a starfish, almost making Mark laugh at how cute he looked. But that wasn't the time for jokes.

Mark took one of the tablets and helped Donghyuck sit up, manoeuvring him so that he was propped up against the headdress. "Here, have this," Mark urged as he held the tablet to Donghyuck's mouth, waiting for him to open up and take the medicine. A few seconds passed and he realised that Donghyuck was falling asleep. "Hey! Hyuck-ie, wake up and have your medicine."

Donghyuck cracked open one of his eyes, forcing them to look up at Mark before he parted his lips slightly, the pain in his jaw making him grimace as water was poured into his mouth. He gulped it all down in own go, letting out a sigh as he realised the hardest part of this whole thing was over, and that he could sleep again.

"Sorry," Donghyuck apologised once Mark had put everything away and climbed back into bed. "I woke you up."

"It's 7 pm, Donghyuck, honestly we should be awake right now," Mark chuckled and placed a hesitant hand on the younger's waist, and when he felt no resistance, he shuffled forward but left enough space so that Donghyuck didn't feel suffocated. "The others were awake, probably worried because of the way I ran out."

"Oh, sorry about that," Donghyuck mumbled and took Mark's unoccupied hand into his own two. He intertwined their fingers and brought his up to his chest, casually placing it against his soft heartbeat that was nowhere as fast as Marks. "Just felt...bad."

"It's okay, Donghyuck," Mark smiled at him, enjoying the way Donghyuck guided his hand up to his cheek and snuggled against it. Perhaps it was because his hand was cold and Donghyuck's body was warm, so he was using it to cool himself down. Or maybe he had taken his hand because he felt better with it in his own, felt safe in a way. As strange as it sounded to others, Donghyuck would say Mark made all his bad feelings, even if he was sick, to go away simply by his touch. Strange, Donghyuck knows.

"Hey," Donghyuck finally opened his eyes properly and looked up at Mark, who returned the goofy smile he had on his face. Although he was exhausted as hell and wanted to sleep, he couldn't miss out on some quality time with Mark. He just couldn't.

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