The Lonely Soul

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"what do you mean blush? are you sure?" I texted.
"I know a blush when I see one." he texted.
hmmmm..... I thought. I was going to ask him about that at our next study session. jenny has suffering a horrible hangover so I let her rest. I decided to go ahead and go over to study after changing into something more comfortable and cleaning off my make up. I was greeted by hikaru. "hey. you're here early." he said.
"I'm going to talk to Ji yong about that 'blush' thing of his that you saw. also, jenny has a pretty bad hangover so I'm not gonna bother her with it." I replied.
"okay. just be careful." he said and went back to playing his hand held gaming device. I knocked on the door. "you're early." I heard from behind me. I turned to see Ji yong in sweat pants and the shirt he had worn to the party last night, along with his glasses and holding a laundry basket. "um, yeah. there was something I wanted to talk to you about, and also jenny's got a pretty bad hangover so...." I gestured. "alright." he said opening the door, letting me in. I closed it behind me. I sat on the bed and watched him as he started to put up his clothes. "so, why did hikaru see you blushing when he'd come back from the party last night?" I asked and he stopped mid-hanging of his shirt. there was a long pause of silence before he said, "just a physical chemical reaction. that's all." and continued to put the clothes up.
"physical chemical reaction? do you.... like me?" I asked, causing him to stop again. he just stood there silently. after what felt like forever, he said, "the session for today is canceled. come back tomorrow." there was this stern sense of unknowing in his voice that wasn't there before. "Ji yong? are you okay?" I asked. "just leave please." he requested.

I shouldn't have done that. I knew I shouldn't have. but I said it anyway. damn it. the next day, ji yong seemed more distant than usual during the session. I understood why too. the session also didn't last as long and I was forced out soon after. this continued for another few days. even at the elected science building, he wouldn't even so much as look at me. I decided that I would take a stroll in the music hall. there were always different instuments I tried to identify. there was one section of the hall that was usually dead silent. that's where I usually go when I just want some pure, quiet, solitude. as I walked down it, I heard something. it was a bit unerving since it's usually so quiet you could hear the clack of someone's heels down the mable-tiled floor. it was faint at first, until I walked closer. I would recognize that beautiful sound anywhere; it was the haunting dream of a single cello's melody. the tune sounded familiar... I was digging through my brain as to why; from what song does this tune fit? then I realized it. it was the piano notes from Coldplay's 'The Scientist', but as a cello. I could hear someone singing in harmony with the tune. I found the room and quietly peeked in. what the-- it's Ji Yong! never figured him to be the type to play an instrument that wasn't science equipment, let alone be able to sing well. I decided to quietly join him in singing.

♪~ Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are~
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart~♬

♪~Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start~
Runnin' in circles, comin' up tails~
Heads on a science apart~♬

♪~Nobody said it was easy~
It's such a shame for us to part~
~Nobody said it was easy~
No one ever said it would be this hard~
Oh, take me back to the start~♬

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