Chapter 2- She's weird

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The next morning it’s not a school but Mom wanted to go out with Me and Mei. I stood an inch away from Mei, we stopped at a light then we crossed the street “So Mei did you sleep alright?” Mom asked “I slept fine” Mei said “Of course she slept fine she wasn’t the one up all night” I thought to myself “Hey Yuski help that poor old man lift that box up” Mom said to me,I looked in the direction she was pointing at I went over and said “Let me help you” “Oh, no it's far too heavy for a lady to picked up” the old man said I grabbed the box anyways and put it on the counter “What’s in the box?”I asked “Gold blocks” the old man said “Wow,”I said I felt something go in my shirt pocket it was money ”Here thank you for helping me” he said “Hey look old man I don’t take money”I told him “Mr.Uzumaki” he said “Excuse me?”I asked “My name is Mr.Uzumaki and take the money,” he said I didn’t argue with him, I went to Mom and Mei “That was long what happens?” Mom said I looked out the money he gave counted it and put it in Mom's bag pocket “$200” I said, “Why don’t you keep it?” Mei asked me, I looked at her “I don’t take money from people it’s not who I am” I said coldly. Then I started walking sooner or later they were in front of me I wasn’t paying attention or listening I tripped I was falling into the fountain somehow I pulled Mei with me and she fell on top of me, we were both soaking wet good thing we were next to the house I was in to the bathroom undressing myself “Achoo” I sneezed “Get in the bath before you caught your death”Mom yell “That’s what I’m doing” I said back to her “Hey Mei how about you go in too”Mom said when I got in the bathtub the door opened and Mei walked in and she closed the door “Are you serious” I thought to myself I looked at her “Her skin looks so soft and she has beautiful hair it matches her complexion” I thought to myself “What am I thinking why would I touch her that kiss must done short circuit my brain” I thought to myself I wasn’t paying attention she was about to come in I got up and said “I was just about to leave” she grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall I didn’t know what to do then she came towards me and licked my neck, I took my hands on her shoulders and pushed her off of me “Why are you doing this?”I asked her “Because it looked you wanted me to touch you,” Mei said with a mischievous smile on her face I stepped out the bathtub but before I can step out she came up behind me and put her arms around me and licked my ear. Then she let me go I opened the door and got out as quick as I could I put on my T-shirt and some pants I walked out of the room to help mom prepared for dinner.13 minutes later I got up from the dining table went outside on the balcony and leaned on the bar then I hear the door open I turned around it was Mom “Hey you okay?”she asked “Yeah” I replied “Come on in it’s time for your medicine” Mom said she went inside I went after her,Mei was still in the living room I walk towards the counter “Hey Mei come here”Mom said Mei closed her book put it down and came towards us “I want to show you how to take care of Yuski's eye”Mom said “Mom, it’s not that serious”I said “Go ahead and show me”Mei said Mom took out my kit she grabbed the ornament and grabbed the lighter and heated towel “You have to be very careful and make sure not to get it into her eye”Mom said putting the ornament on my face “My face got burned when I was 5 from the fire at our old house we don’t know what started the fire but I was worried about a friend of mine so I went to find her, she hurt her leg and had to pick her up I was trying to get out of there as quickly as I could I fell and dropped her and fire got on my face but I ended up getting both of us out of there” I said Mom was done and poured me a cup of blood “What’s that?”Mei asked “Blood”Mom said “Geez mom you don’t have to be blunt about it,”I said “When Yuski was in the hospital they said she can never see out of her right eye again until this tall nice man came and said there’s only one cure is to change her into a vampire”Mom said “It was supposed to return to normal but it was only for me to see” I finished for her “It’s also the final step of the Medicine” Mom said “Alright you guys got school tomorrow so goodnight” Mom said she gave me a kiss on my forehead and then went to bed we both went in the room and went to bed as soon as possible.

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