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"For those of you that don't know or are still coming to grips with the reality of the situation. Allow me to say, welcome to the first day of your afterlife." The room was dead silent. Even the other young ones in the room stopped playing tag with one another. All of us understood Miss Peller, even others I heard speaking another language than English. "Today is the first day of your future trials and greatest achievements. However, I won't be the one laying down the laws. First off, you'll all be called one by one into groups. Then, your group leader will help you enter the next stage of your afterlife."

After Miss Peller mentioned group leaders, three people with different colored badges entered the room. The first person looked gruff, with a patch on one eye and stitches running down his cheek. He looked like a real deal pirate. That is, if pirates were to wear tan britches and a dark green tunic with a belt that had a dirk. 

The second person was a man with a spiky mohawk and a cheery bright red blazer. He waved at nobody in particular and had a cheerful grin. 

Whereas the third person was the woman in the gorgeous Victorian ballgown. Even though she gave off the air of some grand lady, her devious smirk still shone through. 

"When I call off your name, please line up behind Mr. Bell," she said gesturing towards the pirate. As Miss Peller rattled off the first batch of names, many children and young adults went to stand behind Mr. Bell. I couldn't help but be shocked a bit when Fox said, "Well, here goes nothing. I'll see some of you later!" She gave us all a big wave as she jogged towards Mr. Bell; who looked at Fox skeptically. She was the most scantily clad person in his group. 

I was happy when George got called into the same group as Fox. He would get his date with Fox after all. A few more names were called for Mr. Bell's group before Miss Peller purposefully cleared her throat into her mini microphone. The room hushed into silence again. 

"Now, the next group of names will follow Mr. Gregorious to the next stage." After Miss Peller said that the spiky haired guy did a flippant wave and a wink. As she called up each name, there seemed to be a peculiar theme. It seemed that Mr. Gregorious got either what appeared to be the dregs of society or unsmiling souls. None of the people in his group matched his demeanor at all. The greasy haired leather jacket guy and the whistlers from the people I was with all eventually stood with Mr. Gregorious. After the last name was called for Mr. Gregorious's group, Miss Peller gave both Mr. Bell and Gregorious a nod farewell. 

Each group leader had a key to open their opposite passages and they ushered their people in before locking the door behind them. 

"Lastly, the name I say net will go with Lady Cartwright." As I looked around the room, I noticed I was the youngest person there. "Vera Andras!"

"What?" I answered as I shakily got up on my feet. 

Miss Peller gestured for me to approach with her hand as she said in her microphone, "Vera, you are to follow Lady Cartwright towards your next stage." Lady Cartwright did a deep curtsy when her name was mentioned. 

"O-okay?" I softly answered as I approached. 

Lady Cartwright smiled and gave me a tight hug. "All will be explained, Vera," she whispered in my ear in a Scottish Brogue. 

I nodded as I heard Miss Peller say, "The rest of you are to stay here until your final judgement is finalized. Until then, enjoy the refreshments until I come again." With those words, Lady Cartwright, Miss Peller, and I left through the double entrance doors instead of the locked passages. 

Lady Cartwright's dark brown curls were piled atop her head in such a way that they slightly bounced with each step she took. "Miss Cartwright?"

"It's Lady Cartwright," she responds as she looks at me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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