Chapter One

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Holden was in his room at his house. He didn't want to be there, but he didn't know where else to go. Holden had just taken one of the worst beatings he's ever gotten. He knew his nose was either broken or close to being broken. His eye was swollen and black, it was even bleeding a little. His lips were busted terribly, he could feel the blood harden and make it hard to open his mouth from the blood gluing his mouth shut. But, he was used to it. It was routine. Wake up, get beaten, do chores, get beaten, breathe, get beaten, go to bed. Then it starts all over again.

Holden was waiting for his father to come back up the stairs to beat him again, but he heard shouting from downstairs. Holden knew if his dad was mad or in a bad mood, the beating was going to be worse.

Holden took a deep breath as he heard footsteps storm up the stairs. He looked at the door with tired eyes and he was prepared to see his father storm in to beat him again. What Holden wasn't expecting was three police officers walking in. When they saw him, they instantly ran to the boy's aid. Holden didn't know what to do, he was so overwhelmed by the officers trying to help him, that he passed out.

When Holden woke later that night, he could hear beeping coming from beside him. He didn't want to open his eyes, he was so tired. When the beeping wouldn't stop, he eventually opened his eyes. He was confused when he saw white walls and he was in a white bed with an IV in his arm. Was he in the hospital? Holden's only ever been in the hospital once and that was when his father broke his ankle shoving him down the stairs.

Holden looked around with tired eyes before he heard the door open. He looked over and saw a young lady with long brown hair and brown eyes walk into the room. Holden watched her as she carefully sat next to the bed.

"Hi, Holden, my name is Amy," she said gently. Holden only watched her, not speaking a word.

"Do you know where you are?" She asked him. Holden watched her as he slowly nodded. She smiled sadly at him.

"Do you know what happened?" She asked. The boy did as before and slowly nodded while keeping a close eye on her.

"Holden, your father was put in prison after the police found you, you don't have to be afraid of him anymore," she said gently. Holden didn't believe her. He was never safe. He was always afraid.

When Holden didn't say anything, she continued to talk.

"Well, I'm your social worker. I'm here to make sure you get put into a loving and caring home," she told him. Holden didn't believe her. All he knew was hatred and pain, not love and caring.

"Tonight, you and I are going to your new foster home, he is a really nice man, and can't wait to have you stay with him," she told him. Holden didn't look away from her, but she could see the fear and doubt in his eyes.

"I want you to get some rest, okay?" She said gently as she stood up. She gently laid her hand on Holden's arm, but the boy's not-so-subtle flinch made her remove it quickly. She looked at him sadly before wishing him a good night and leaving.

Holden didn't want to sleep. He was scared. He didn't know who was in this building and he didn't trust them. But, finally, Holden's eyes drifted closed and he fell asleep.

Holden ended up sleeping the whole night and when Amy came back to take him to his foster home, she just didn't have the heart to wake the boy. So, when the morning came and Holden woke up, it was time for them to go.

Amy checked Holden out and helped the boy into her car, then they were off. Holden was scared and he still hasn't spoken a word.

"This man is really nice, Holden. His name is Jeffrey. He is very excited to meet you," said Amy. Holden felt a tinge of more fear when he found out he was a man. He was too tired at the hospital to register in his brain she said he would be staying with a man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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