"Because we're adults and you're not!"

Lavender sticks her tongue out at her sister before storming toward the kitchen door.

"I want a cookie pizza!" She shouts before slamming it.

Maggie faces Fleur with her arms crossed. Fleur keeps her eyes down on the house phone as she dials the number with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"What happened, Fleur?"

The brunette exhales and places the phone down. She darts her eyes around before they land on Maggie.

"He cheated."

"What the fuck?" Maggie spits.

"I found him sneaking the girl out. They were in the guest room all night. While I slept in the other room."

Fleur wants to laugh or maybe throw up. It's just so humiliating.

"I could gut him. He's such a piece of shit."

"I mean he had a right. I told him."

Maggie's eyes widen, "That's even more fucked up!"

Fleur shrugs, redialing the pizza place now.

"It's just life." She murmurs before pressing the phone to her ear.

Dinner is quiet.

Lavender is still pouting over Maggie pushing her away and Fleur just didn't want to speak. Maggie was the only one who seemed to talk the entire time.

Once they're done eating, Fleur collects the dishes to wash. She does so as Maggie sits on the counter with a slice of the pizza cookie in her hands.

"If it makes you feel better, I thought I was pregnant last week."

Fleur glances at her sister before rolling her eyes.

"That's nothing new."

Maggie laughs, "True."

"I have no idea how you manage to do that all the time. I don't think I could ever get knocked up by someone I'm not dating."

"Because you're the responsible one."

Fleur beams to herself.

"I guess."

Maggie frowns, "I need a boyfriend."

"Yeah, you do." Fleur sucks in a breath.

"And so do you, shut up."

"Nope, I'm done with dating. With relationships. I don't really see the point."

"You shouldn't think that way." Maggie stares at her sister sadly.

Fleur shrugs and places a dish away.

The front door opens, and the sound of high pitched squealing rings throughout the house. Both girls turn to see June coming through the kitchen door. She holds her phone in her hands.

"You sat next to Harry fucking Styles and didn't tell me?!" She screams.

Josh is behind her, shooting Fleur an apologetic stare.

"She made me drive her here." He sighs.

Fleur wipes her hands and holds them up to June, trying to calm her down. But, June is talking a mile a minute and she can't understand a thing she's saying.

This is the impact that man has on her.

"I was going to tell you when I got home. All you had to do was wait."

June shakes her head and swallows dryly. She shows Fleur the photo on her phone.

It's from Twitter and it's of Harry. The one the girl took that got them talking.

"I'm not even in the photo. How did you—"

"I recognized your blanket." June quickly says.

Fleur pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs.

"Well, yeah. I met him and we talked and he's pretty pleasant."

She was immediately fired off with questions about how he smelled or what he talked about. Fleur could hardly keep up with what she was saying.

All she can say is, "He's just nice."

"Of course he is. He's Harry Styles."

Fleur glances to Josh and sighs.

"You can go home. I'll drive her." She assures him.

"Sounds great. Congrats on meeting June's idol before she did." He remarks.

"You're an ass." June huffs.

Josh smirks at her before heading out the door.

June grabs Fleur and inhales sharply.

"Why are you smelling me?" She groans, flicking her away.

"You were in his presence." She whispers.

"Alright, we're going home."

Maggie sits up, "You're not leaving me with the devil."

"I can literally hear you!" Lavender shouts from the living room.

"Well close your ears!"

Fleur grabs her keys.

"I'm exhausted. The flight was so long and I've had a rough couple of days. I think I deserve to go home."

"Rough couple of days? You were on a plane with Harry Styles how was that rough?"

"Frankly I don't think Mr. Styles can fix a broken heart." Maggie mentions before exiting the kitchen.

June turns to Fleur.

"Broken heart?"

"Jesse cheated."

June frowns, throwing her arms around her best friend.

"Oh, Fleur babe." She groans.

"It's okay. It's fine." Fleur laughs uncomfortably.

"You know what? It is okay. Because—"

"June, if you say I met Harry Styles one more time I will drop kick you."

June pulls away from Fleur and smacks a smile on her face.

"Noted. Let's go home!"


Tag yourself I'm June freaking out over Harry

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