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Currently, all of Itzy member was sitting together while watching a movie waiting for Yuna to came home...

"can you guys guess why pdnim call Yuna only like early in the morning?..."Yeji ask looking at her member but all of them just shook their head...

"dunno. She tolds me that she had to leave to JYP building because she said pdnim wanted to see her... "Chaeryeong said makes everyone nod...

"any idea why?..."Lia ask but them all just shook their shoulder...

"maybe sh-"Ryujin words got cut when someone knocked on their front door...

"who's that?... "Ryujin ask but the rest just shook their head...

"probably Yuna. I'll check it out... "Lia said as she get up from the couch and walk to the front door...

She open the door but she was shocked thought it would be Yuna but it was a broad shouldered guy who knock on the door...

"oh, may I help you? How did you get pass our gate?... "Lia ask but then the guy bow at her...

"annyeonghaseyo, I'm Yuna's personal bodyguard that was sent by JYP, Song Y/n imnida... "y/n introduced himself get others members attention...

"omo! Who is this handsome guy?!... "Ryujin ask soon she saw y/n...

"she's my personal bodyguard. My dad sent me to take care of me... "Yuna said pop out from y/n back...

"really? So we gonna have a new male mate that will stay here with us?... "Chaeryeong ask looking at everyone...





















"so, introduce yourselves..."Yeji said to y/n as she point it out to him...

Currently all of them are sitting in a circle together to get to know y/n...

"well, names given Song Y/n. 18 years old and from Busan... "y/n introduced himself makes everyone nod except for Yuna who just on her phone...

"I see. You know all of us?... "Yeji ask and he nodded...

"you're Hwang Yeji, the leader of Itzy. 20 years old and you're Choi Jisu or better know as Lia. Same age with Yeji and the main vocalist. You're Shin Ryujin, center of the Itzy, same age as me you are Lee Chaeryeong. The main dancer on Itzy group and also same age as me..."y/n said detailing their profile make them all impressed...

"wah!!!! You do a really great person I ever know... "Lia said make the rest nod agree...

"lol, he just read it from our Midzy fansite duhhhhh... "Yuna said annoyed make all of them look at her sternly...

"what?! Am I wrong?... "Yuna ask herself but then y/n giggles...

"it's true what she said. I just read you guys bio at those fansite K-pop profile. Hahahahaha... " y/n said laughing but everyone just remain silent...

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