Empress x Female Reader

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You're on your way to Le Félin, your girlfriend's jewelry store in Nyakuza Metro. The buzz of the many trains and loud meows and chatter of the cats fill your ears on your peaceful walk to the store. You shove your hands in the pockets of your jacket, the chill air of the underground city seeping into your fingers and making them numb. You let out a sigh and watch as your breath dissipates into the air as you finally reach your destination.

You see the lights in the shop are still on, which is good since you really didn't want to walk all the way back to your place in the cold. You make your way to the doors and grab the handle of one of them, wincing a little at touching the cold metal. You open it and see Empress leaning over her desk, an irritated look on her face. You frown a bit, since you never like seeing your loved one upset, and walk over to her.

"Hey, what's up? You look a bit more dead inside than usual, hon," you say a bit jokingly, trying to lighten her mood a little.

She lets out an exasperated sigh and grumbles with a snarl, "This hat-wearing brat stole all my Time Pieces and my dumb good-for-nothing underlings let her get away! I don't even know why I pay them, all they do is make things worse. I even paid that little brat too!"

You honestly have no idea what she's talking about, you have no idea what a Time Piece is either, but you decide to try to comfort her anyway.

You reach out and grab her scarred paw and intertwine your fingers with hers as you say, "That sucks a lot, hon, but at least you still have a lot left, so you didn't lose too much. And it's not like you lost so much you're bankrupt, you still have enough to conquer this whole city." You look into her heterochromatic blue and yellow eyes and give her a soft smile, hoping to cheer her up.

She doesn't say anything but lets out another sigh. You frown a bit, and she gives your hand a little squeeze.

You suddenly blurt out, "Would you like to come back to place?" Your face flushes to red as you realize the implications of what you said, even though you didn't mean it in that way.

"That would be nice actually," Empress says giving you a small smile and letting go of your hand to walk around the corner of her desk. She intertwines your fingers again and walk towards the doors. She shoves the door open so hard you think it might break and she tugs you out into the cold, frigid air.
You don't have to tell her where you live, since she's already been there multiple times already, albeit some times unexpected.

You met The Empress on your way home from work one night a few months ago. It was cold, but Nyakuza Metro always is at night, when you felt like you were being followed. You looked back and noticed three dark figures holding what looked like bats to you. You felt a shiver go down your spine, whether from the cold or the figures walking closer to you, you weren't sure at the time. As you realized they were walking a lot closer and faster to you, you decided to bolt it down the street, not knowing where you were going. You had made multiple left and right turns before deciding to hide behind a dumpster in a tight alleyway. You secretly hoped you had outran them, but those hopes were crushed when you heard the loud thumps of multiple gang members running in the direction you went in. The footsteps start to slow to where you are, and you slap your hands over your mouth to keep yourself quiet. You had felt tears well up in your eyes as you heard the footsteps walk into the alleyway. They got close enough to where you could see the paws of what you knew were the Nyakuza's gang members standing in front of you. You looked up to see the back end of a bat hit you hard in the forehead before you blacked out.

You woke up in a dark room with a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, which emitted the only light in the room. You tried moving, but found you were tightly bound to a wooden chair with rope. You struggled a little to see if you could try to loosen the ropes, but to your dismay the ropes wouldn't budge. Your head shot up when you heard the creaking of an old door opening and closing. What you saw was a very tall and intimidating cat lady standing in front of you with a smirk on her face. She had grey and black fur, with slicked back white fur resting between her sharp ears. You noticed her eyes were heterochromatic, one being yellow and one a light blue, and were looking at you with great intrigue. You saw she had a scar in the middle of her blue eye, and another scar running down her neck. There was a glimmer on her neck and you noticed she had three golden necklaces underneath her expensive looking black fur-lined coat. You also noticed the three golden rings on her paws as she snaps her fingers to get your attention. You look back up at her with flushed cheeks as you realize that she caught you staring at her.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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