Chapter 1.1: Soulmateless in a Soulmate World

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Isabella's POV

It's unusual for someone my age to have never talked to their Soulmate before. But mine has been quiet. Not even an introduction. Being a girl in the soulmate-believing world is a constant anxiety attack of wondering when your Soulmate will reach out to you.

The man in the relationship is responsible for forming the connection. Both individuals can feel the connection getting stronger or closer, but only he can officially form the connection.

I'm not sure if my Soulmate just hasn't felt the connection yet or if he has and is ignoring me. When I turned 18 and graduated high school, I gave up on trying to contact him. All my friends had already connected with theirs, many had already met up with them. It got to the point where I was tired of the looks, the pity, and the comments saying that it'll eventually happen.

I worked at my family's diner and went to college without trying to reach out again. Whenever my mom calls, the first thing out of her mouth is asking if he's made contact with me yet. The answer is always no.

Instead of worrying about when the connection will be made, I poured myself into my work. I helped at the dinner until I was 23 and then went to school to get my teaching degree. I just finished my student teaching and am about to spend the summer getting my first classroom set up.

I turned around when I heard a small knock on the door. I smiled when I saw my dad holding a to-go bag as he leaned against the doorframe.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, laughing as he walked in and set the food on my desk.

"If I know my daughter as well as I think I know her, I knew that she would be so busy setting up her classroom that she would forget to eat. So I picked up our favorite food from the diner and came down here to eat with you."

"Thank you," I smiled. I kissed his cheek and then helped him unload the food. We ate in silence, something my mom could never do but my dad and I were perfectly comfortable.

I looked up when I saw him eating slower than normal. "You okay?" I asked, taking a drink.

He sighed as he put his burger down, wiped his hands on a napkin, and looked up at me. "I know you hate hearing this, Bells, but I'm worried about you. Your mother and I both are."

I clenched my jaw as I put my own burger down and sat back, crossing my arms over my chest. "Dad," I sighed.

"I know. I know," he laughed. "You've been hearing that since you stopped trying to form the connection."

"Women can't form the connection. All I can do is try and reach out, but he never. . ." I cleared my throat, looking away.

I heard him sigh as he reached over and grabbed my hand. "Bella," he said gently. "I know you've given up on ever meeting your Soulmate, but everyone has one. I'm sure. . ."

"There's some reason he hasn't made the connection. Maybe we live far enough away that the connection isn't strong enough. Maybe he's been busy. Or maybe I'm not his first connection. Maybe the connection is waiting to be made until blah blah blah. I've heard it all."

"I know you have, sweetheart."

"Please," I cut him off. "I already hear this from mom. Constantly. I can't hear it from you too. I'm fine with my life. I mean, I'm about to start my dream job. It's enough for me and it should be enough for you and mom."

"It is," my dad said quickly. "It's just. . . I don't want you to be alone."

I sighed, trying not to get angry knowing he meant well. "I know," I said grabbing my soda and taking a sip.

Luckily, dad didn't bring up the subject of my Soulmate for the rest of lunch. After we ate, we started to clean up. Before he left, he pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you, kiddo, and I will always worry about you. I just want you to be happy."

"I know," I whispered back.

If only that actually made me feel better.

* * * * *

After finishing my classroom, I decided to go home and take a much-needed bath. As I sat, letting the hot water soak my muscles, I couldn't help but think of him.

As much as I tell other people and myself that it doesn't bother me that my Soulmate hasn't reached out, it does. Of course, it does. We live during a time where all that "everyone has a Soulmate" cliché talk, isn't cliché.

Times have changed. People don't date anymore because it's unnecessary. The only relationship people have is with their Soulmates and 90% of the time the relationship starts way before they even meet in person. So until your Soulmate forms the connection, you are alone in the loneliest way.

I closed my eyes and tried to reach out to him. When I got no response, I felt like an idiot. I opened my eyes, feeling even more like an idiot as a tear slid down my cheek.

I angrily wiped it off my cheek as I decided to get out, get dressed, and start planning my lessons.

"Soulmates," I scoffed. "Nothing but bullshit."

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