Chapter 2

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Not too far off from the Rockbell's house, just out of earshot, Envy had finally taken in what Ed had said and what it meant it for them. And at this realization, they stopped their foot on the ground and yelled "FUCK!", creating a dent in the ground, scaring off the nearby wildlife and alerting the nearby townspeople of their presence and frustration. They stood there for a second, continuing to process what happened, but as they started to walk off someone walked up to them.
"May I ask why you just yelled and scarred all of my animals?" They asked, not necessarily mad at them but rather just curious as to why they yelled so loud.
"It's none of your business!" they shouted back, before quietly saying, "I just need to get back to Central."
"Oh, alright..well best be on your travels." the person said, before walking off and leaving them alone.

It was a bit more trouble getting back to Central than it was getting to Resembool, but things do get a bit easier when you can disguise yourself as a local cab driver and then steal the cab driver's car.
Assuming there are cab drivers out there.
Either way, disguises were had and cars were stolen.
That didn't stop the car ride from being long though, and with no company, it gave Envy even more time to think about the situation at hand, even if only for small bits of time since they had to keep an eye on the road.
They really had been doing a lot of introspection these days hadn't they.
Another thing that they had eventually come to realize was that they only had Pride to talk to. Greed had been killed by Father twice (not like they'd want to talk to him about troubles like these anyways – he'd probably just make fun of them for falling in love with a human and not having them love him back.), Lust was killed by Mustang, Gluttony was eaten by Pride, Sloth used up too much of his energy and exhausted his stone, and Father failed and died too. And since the older of the Elric brothers didn't have it in him to kill their older brother, they were stuck with him. However, he was also a small child who could barely talk at the moment, so they guessed that they really had no one after all. Unless they talked to Pride's mother, who might actually understand something about what they were going through, since she had also loved a homunculus.

So without thinking much through ahead of time, they drove right up to the Bradleys. Not disguised, just them and their palm tree self driving a stolen car up to the home of the President of Amestris.
Of course, with a flash of red light, they changed into their solider form to avoid being talked to by anyone outside of the home, if there were any at the early hour they had arrived. But despite it being around 6 in the morning, and the sun had only been up for around an hour, Mrs. Bradley greeted them at a table in the garden as they passed by.
Surely, she knew who they were by now.
She didn't actually say much besides a "Hello" to the passing soldier, and a wave to come and have what they assumed to be tea. Their brother, Pride – who they should be calling Selim but even after the months had gone by they still couldn't shake the nearly 175 years they had of calling him Pride – was sleeping in the chair next to Mrs. Bradley, having awoken briefly to come out to the garden with his mom but quickly fell back asleep due to the early hour. There was a third, empty chair, so they walked over and accepted her invitation.
"What brings you here at this hour, Envy? Don't think I didn't know it was you, who else would show up in the disguise of an unnamed officer at 6 in the morning?" she said, pouring them a cup of tea, "Is there something on your mind?"
"There is, and I had initially meant to talk to Pride about it – sorry I meant Selim- but I had forgotten that he probably wouldn't be able to understand much of what it was," they said as they poured a small bit of sugar into their tea before downing the entire thing even though it was fresh off the stove, "I seem to have a problem that I've never had before."
"And what would that be?", she said, curious of what problem the much much older being in front her could possibly have not faced already.
"I seem to have...I seem to have fallen in love. And with a human no less..", they said, almost ashamed that they were admitting it, "It's brought about these stupid flower petals that I keep coughing up and I have no idea what any of it means! It's enough that I've fallen in love with that stupid blonde pipsqueak, and enough that he's probably never going to love me back, and I'm probably going to have to deal with these stupid flowers for a lot longer than everyone else who catches this cause I! Can't! Die!" they said, accidentally banging their hand on the table and almost breaking it.
Mrs. Bradley took a sip of her tea,
"You've never experienced love before, and now you're in love with Edward?" She said, as calmly as one could be after their table almost broke, "What's the problem with that?"
"The problem is that he's never going to love me back! I'm going to be stuck with this stupid fucking disease for the rest of my time here, or least until he himself dies! And there's nothing I can do about it! It's just the way that things are going to happen!"
"Why wouldn't he love you back?"
"Because I'm me! I've committed countless crimes, most of which resulted in a great deal of humans dying, I've tried to kill him and the majority of the people he cares about! There's no reason to love me, considering that I don't even love myself!" They yelled, waking up the previously sleeping Selim, and angrily walked out of the garden, punching (and denting) the nearest wall to them on their way out. They couldn't even be bothered to keep up the disguise anymore. It's not like anyone was around. They just wanted to go back home, where they used to live underground, as quick as possible.
And on their way back to their home, if anyone had seen Envy walking that morning, they would have sworn they could have seen them shed a couple of tears.

The Flower of (Un)requited Love [EdVy]Where stories live. Discover now