"Liar," he said. "You did enjoy it. I killed him and you were angry. You used that anger to fuel this saber."

She took a step forward. "Stay out of my mind."

Kylo did not move back. "When you use your anger with the Force, you are on the Dark Side."

"I am not a monster who kills for fun. I would not kill my own father," she shouted.

"You are angry now. Channel it. Pull it in and let it flow through the saber."

"No," she said.

They stared at each other.

"I could kill you now, Rey from Jakku," he said, softly. He Force-pushed her against the wall of the Falcon. She felt her throat closing slightly.

She pushed back and knocked the sensation back at Kylo.

He coughed and breathed deeply. "Impressive," he said after a moment.

Rey closed the light saber down. "Don't choke me. Don't touch me. Stay out of my mind and away from me." She visualized the ship slowing down and pushed the controls. The ship slowed.

BB-8 beeped as the engine began bang and clunk. Smoke rose in a delicate plume from the hold below.

"What did you do?" Rey yelled. "I told you that the engine couldn't handle the stress."

She ran to the hold and began to pull it open.

"Move," said Kylo, attempting to shoulder Rey aside.

"This is my ship," she said, pushing her shoulder against him. "Get out of my way." Kylo pushed back and Rey took a quick step backwards. Kylo stumbled and she slipped around him into the hold. He pulled himself in beside her. It was a tight fit.

Rey felt the warmth of Kylo's body and inhaled the hot, wild scent of musk, snow, and wood.

Rey elbowed Kylo in trying to open the access panel. She burned her fingers on the hot metal.

"Ow," she said, sucking her injured hand.

Kylo watched without comment, then pulled off the panel with gloved fingers. Another plume of smoke puffed out.

Rey peered inside. "I need a light," she said.

"So do I," he said. "Please get one for me."

"I am not your servant," she said.

"And I am not yours," he answered.

Neither said a word. Rey waited. His warm breathing filled the hold. She thought she could hear his heartbeat. Rey turned her body toward him and immediately regretted it. She was pressed against his side more intimately, her breast pushing against his arm. She attempted to move, but he turned and her body touched his full on. They were together, belly and breast, though he was so much taller than she. His hands rested on her hips. His eyes rested on her face.

Rey's breath caught. The wound she had given him was a horrible black slash against his pale skin. It did nothing to stop her from seeing his beauty. She had forgotten how he affected her when he took his helmet off. She had not been paying attention to him until now. She felt as though she could stare at him forever. This time, she was not afraid. She knew he could not take her mind. His body felt solid against hers and she enjoyed the pressure of his large hands on her hips. She would not have stepped back even if there had been room. The sensations were too powerful. Kylo's dark eyes dipped down to glance at her lips. He was thinking of touching her, she knew. She felt it in his thoughts. He began to tilt his head, thick hair brushing his uninjured cheek. She wondered. He knew she would not stop him.

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