Blake gave me a look over before swooping me into his arms, causing me to squeak in surprise. “Blake...!” I exclaimed. He carried me towards the bathroom, and filled up the tub with warm water. His arm muscle flexed and I couldn’t help but stare and drool. Blake saw me looking and groaned, quickly but gently putting me into the water. As he stood up, I licked my lips as I drank in the sight of his toned stomach.

He backed away though, rubbing a hand over his face. “No, your sore. Rest first.” He ordered and giving me one last look, he turned and rushed out the bathroom. Feeling disappointed and yet relieved, I laid my head back against the cool ceramic, closing my eyes. 

Sinking lower, I tipped my head back, feeling content as the warm water soothed me. This was so weird... Touching the mark that felt slightly sore on my neck, it actually hit me just what happened. He marked me... My eyes widened and I blushed, mortified. Oh god, does this mean when we go home everyone will know we...we did it?! 

“Well he’d probably be happy about it.” I muttered to myself. 

Smiling softly, I shook my head in happiness. Although Blake was possessive, it meant he cared. “I love you...” I whispered softly and suddenly, surprisingly, I felt a warm feeling spread through me as if Blake can heard me. Was this that connection he meant when he explained what a mark was? 

Fidgeting, I looked around before huffing and abruptly standing up and stepping out of the tub. Water splashed everywhere and I sheepishly glanced around but focusing on a more pressing matter, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked towards the mirror. 

Tilting my head to the side and showing more of my neck, I peered at my reflection. It appeared to look like two teeth marks? The skin around it was red and it didn’t really looked like anything special. Raising my eyebrows, I pouted. I was expecting some sort of mystical weird magic sort of sign, not...teeth marks. Well that was a let down. Curious, I lightly touched the mark causing a shudder to run down my spine. 

What was that! I squeezed my thighs together, holding the basin to keep me standing. Panting, “Blake!” I called. The door banged open, causing me to flinch at the loud sound. Blake was at my side in an instant. 

“What?” He asked, worried. 

Taking in a deep breath, I turned towards him, a hand on my hip, my other hand pointing at the mark. Waving at it, I stared at him expectantly. “Do you mind explaining this?”

Guiltily, he rubbed the back of his neck, before shoving his hands into his pocket. “Oh yeah... It’s like another g-spot on a woman, but it’s only like that when I touch it. Well of course yourself too.” He explained, but not in a patronising way which I was glad for because I know it must be tiring to have to explain everything. 

“Well you could’ve told me earlier,” I pouted as I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned it for a kiss. 

“Where’s the fun in that?” He murmured pulling his lips to mine. His lips felt so soft, and I was enveloped in that scent that was all him. Moaning, I pushed myself closer to him. Annoyed the fabric that separated us, I wanted his skin on mine.

Frowning I pulled away, and focused on getting his clothes off as fast as I could. I could feel that familar burning sensation, the need to have him. My skin felt like it was on fire, except it didn’t burn. No, it felt...welcoming. “Blake...” I sighed, as I felt him pull me up and place kissed down my neck. 

He ripped my shirt apart, but I didn’t care. I was swept into that whirlwind of emotions that I craved, and needed. He was like my drug, but perhaps that isn’t the best comparison. I don’t think there would ever come a day when I wouldn’t need him by my side. 


I groaned, as I felt my sunshine being blocked. Lifting the arm that was crossed over my eyes, I squinted at Blake, shooing him away. “Aw come on, take a swim.” He said. 

Shaking my head, I replied. “No... Get out of the way, you’re blocking the sun. I want a tan.” Closing my eyes, I heard him walk away and I had the odd urge to follow him. Ignoring it, I turned my head to the side. It was probably something to do with the mating heat. 

Shifting slightly, I frowned. Although I had told him to go away, I hadn’t actually meant it. With my eyes still closed, I sat up and yawned when suddenly a choked scream escaped my mouth as I sat there in shock, my eyes wide. My body shivered as I felt my clothes get soaked and stick to my skin. My mouth was gaped open, and narrowing my eyes, I jumped to my feet and and ran for Blake screaming. 

“Get back here!” I shouted, furious. I couldn’t believe it! How dare he dump a bucket of icy, freezing cold water on me! His laughter only made me more angry as I ran after him. He taunted me by sticking his tongue out, his front facing me as he ran backwards. 

I reached out my head to grab him and just as my finger tips grazed his shirt, he stopped. Slamming right into him, he grabbed me and held me tight before jumping right into the lake! Squeezing my eyes shut, I felt the icy water freeze me, my breath catching in my throat. 

It felt like I hit concrete but it didn’t hurt. Pushing away from Blake, I swam up to the surface gasping. “Blake!” I scolded as I saw his grinning face pop up above the surface, his dark hair plastered across his forehead. My anger faded away as quickly as it came once I saw his face. 

I couldn’t resist pressing my lips to his. The water now felt warm as I got used to it, and I was glad he made me get in the  lake, no matter how horrible his method was. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I gripped his hair in my hands. His hands found their way to my butt and I moaned. Running my hands down his muscled chest, I pushed closer. It was frustrating to have just the thin fabrics of my bikini and his swim shorts separating us. 

Reluctantly, I pulled away from him. My breath came out in pants and I tried to calm down. Giggling, I looked around at the empty forest and shrugged. Whatever, I thought as I pulled him back to me and getting a taste of Blake. I didn’t care, at this moment. All I needed, all I wanted was this hunk of a man in front of me and I was going to get it. 


It is so awkward writing horny people >.<!!! I get that this chapter might've not been the best at explaining things and there are mistakes but I will edit once I finish TASM! Anyway I know these 2 latest chapters have been pretty boring and don't worry! Action is coming in the next! Just so you guys know, TASM has 1 chapter and an epilogue left. Yes, it's ending. But anyway you can probably tell from this chapter, how bad I am at writing sexy scenes and for that I apologise! The R-rated chapter of Chapter 32 (their mating) will be up after the story ends. It will only be available to fans! 

This chapter is dedicated to TruthBitex for that lovely banner on the side! Thank you so much! I am incredibly grateful!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter no matter how boring and crappy it was! :)




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