Dear Diary, How did I end up here?

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 Dear Diary,

      I thought about how I first ended up here. I had wondered as a child what it would be like to grow up in the palace atop the hill in my city. Mother and I had always lived together in our small home on the outskirts of the bustling capital. We never had the luxuries that some of the other citizens had. We were happy, we had each other and that was all a young girl could truly care for. I cherished those days I could spend traipsing through the town square with my friends. 

     Mother worked hard to keep me happy and healthy. That would end up being her demise. She was a beautiful woman. She had long platinum almost white hair that curled haphazardly around her cherubic face. Her soft emerald eyes seemed to pull you in when she smiled at you. She truly looked like an angle had come to earth. One day while I was out playing with my friends in the square my mother had gone out to sell flower crowns she had made for the upcoming festive. From what I've gathered a group of men couldn't help but find my mother, well lets say charming. One of them became smitten with her and began to fallow her where ever she went. He began to follow her into work, approaching her when she would walk home. Mother turned him down several times but he was persistent. 

     My mother let the authorities know and we thought that was the end of that. we went to sleep with the peace if mind that the royal military that paroled or streets would protect us... We were sorely wrong. I was woken up when our door splintered in and an obviously trunk man began to stop around our first floor. my mother was at my side in a flash. In her hands was a scroll tightly wrapped with a ribbon. " Linette, I need you to hide. hold onto this and don't let it go unless you see me or a royal police finds you. If something bad happens to me hand this to the royal polices. They'll take you somewhere safe. Just know Linette... If something does happen. I love you with all my heart my sweet songbird" She said in a hurried whisper. Fear filled me but I listened to my mother and found a hiding place. I climbed into an old crate meant for mothers craft supplies and stacked the other once on top. I knew no one would find me in there. It didn't take long for me to hear the shouting of a drunken lunatic. I recognized the voice all too well. The man was back and out for blood. Apparently the royal police had found where the man lived and asked him questions about the stalking... His wife was rather displeased to hear he was under investigation for stalking a woman and her child and kicked him out. He was drunk and in his mind my mother was the cause for his downfall. 

     I could hear my mother begging and pleading for him to spare her. The cries she let out when he beat her still ring in my head. He did unspeakable things to my mother then began to look for me. I held in my sobs and did my best to stay silent. It was one of the longest nights in my life and with day break came the royal police that were supposed to have been protecting us from the mad man that came for us. apparently one of my neighbors saw my mothers body on the ground floor and told them about me. I heard on of the polices come upstairs and begin to call out for me. "Hello? Anyone up here? My name is Alvin, I'm part of the royal police. Are you up here little girl?" I let out a whimper when I heard he was a royal police man. "I, I'm in the crates." I called out. The crate that covered me was lifted and I looked up at a man in full armor with a sorrowful expression. I already knew mother was either hurt gravely or... well dead. Looking up at his face I could tell it was the later. I felt tears string my eyes as sobs escaped my lips. It was a mixer of grief, relief and confusion. The Officer looked at the paper I clutched tightly in my hands and noticed the seal that kept the ribbon in place.

      His eyes widened and he began to quickly open the paper. Without hesitation he began to rush me downstairs. He was kind enough to keep me away from the scene of the crime as he carried me outside and put me on his horse. "I have to take her to the Palace, Now." He said to the other two men who were investigation the area around my house. I was at the castle doors in a matter of minutes, feeling very confused and out of place. He carried me in and held the paper in his hands as he demanded to see the king. The king was not very pleased however, when he saw me his demeanor changed entirely. A look of shock and horror filled his face. "Who, Who is she." The king asked. the officer set me down and held out the paper. "Well your Majesty she appears to be, well, your daughter. We found her at the scene of a crime this morning clutching this paper. It has your signature and royal seal your Majesty..." The officer said with a gulp. In that moment everything the king had tried to hide for eight years had been brought to the surface. I was in fact the third princess of the kingdom, even if I had never known myself.

      As it turns out the king and my mother had an affair that lasted quite a while. He made my mother believe he would stay with her, either make her a consort or take her as his second queen, but he never did. Instead he abandoned my mother once she fell pregnant with me. She made sure to get it in writing that if anything happened to her, I wouldn't be left on the streets. She made sure I would live with my father. The king had hoped that day would never happen. He truly did love mother, but he wasn't in the position to make good on his promise to give my mother the life she deserved.

      I can still remember the look on the queens face when she walked in and saw my face. I was the spitting image of my mother after all. The king and queen fought for a while before the king put his foot down that his child would be allowed to stay at the palace. The sent me to the Rose palace and that's where I've stayed for the past twelve years. I only go to the main palace for events, or special occasions.

      I am the forgotten third princess of the Adelaide kingdom. I'm sure my stepmother is just waiting for the day she can ship me off to the highest bidder to remove any trace of shame from the royal family. She never even let me have my debut into high society. When I attend the royal parties I am to stay on the outside and "Not embarrass the royal family.". I truly do not care about any of it. I just wish for a day when I am not apart of this horrible home. I want to live somewhere with warmth and love unlike the cold, sterile, environment I have grown up in. A home with the same feeling as the one I shared with mother. well Diary I think this will be all of tonight. Until tomorrow. 


Linette Chamille Elias.  


Hello and thank you for reading the first chapter of "Fly Away Song Bird" I can't tell you how much this means to me! I promise it won't be all diary entries, but I hope you did like the format of the first chapter! Please feel free to give criticism so that I may grow as a writer! Be ready for the next chapter soon!

Thank you again!

The Writer

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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