Chapter 1

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It was Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts. 

His aunt and cousin were just as excited as he was. His cousin Dudley had been accepted to Hogwarts and his aunt was estatic. As a child she had always wanted to be part of the world her sister lived in. A world of magic. But she was found to not have magic. So she was happy to help her son be apart of that world. She decided that since Dudley was also a wizard like Harry that it would be wise to even the work out between them. After all if Dudley needs help, why not ask his cousin? There were some other reasons also. She didn't want to seem like a hypocrite for holding back one wizard that might do better. A good view from the youngster might help her learn about magic also.

It was a few weeks before September first so the three decided to go and get the supplies for the school year. The first stop was Gringotts, the wizarding bank.

"What's that?" Dudley said pointing to one of the goblins that surrounded the interior of the bank forming an aisle.

"That's a goblin Duddykins,(insert author  vomiting) they take care of the money,"

"But why are they in charge of the money?" Harry asked "After all what if they steal it?"

"It's their code. They can't and they respect your money,"

"Okay!" the two boys said happy to hear the answers to their questions without complaint.

As they headed up to the front desk of the bank she saw a large group of ginger haired people.

Weasleys Petunia thought. She had heard of the family. Lily constantly would come home and go on about how for some reason they all were inside of Gryffindor. Not a single strayed. That's freaky that they all have the same qualities. Although two seemed to be staying away from the rest. They seemed identical, from the smirk on their faces to the glint in their eyes. But it wasn't her's to pry. Finally they reached the front of the aisle.

"Excuse me, sir?" Petunia said trying to catch the attention of the goblin.

"Yes..." the goblin drawled seeming like he wanted nothing to do with the woman standing in front of him.

"I would like to exchange some muggle money for knuts and sickles along with extracting some money from the Potter vault for my nephew Harry here." Petunia said

"The Potter vault? Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you three to follow Griphook to the backroom to insure you are who you say." the goblin said waving a goblin over to the small group.

"Griphook they want to see the Potter vaults, please check to see that at least one is."

"Please come with me,"

As they walked through the halls Petunia started feeling like she had been here before. But she never came with her parents inside Gringotts. She always hung back out front. Huh.

"Three drops of blood on this piece of paper please" Griphhook says handing us each a piece of parchment.

After doing so Griphook took back the paper.

"Interesting, very interesting"(if you know the reference comment!) he said seeming to compare the different pieces of paper.

"What is it?"

"It appears you are not who you seem"

"Should I be worried?"

"No you should if anything be ecstatic"

"What is it?"

"Ma'am would you come with me please"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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