Ease my mind

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Whizzer sat in his bathtub, running his hands across the wall. He looked at the razor he had neatly placed on his toilet seat.
"today's the day" Whizzer chuckled in slight pain.
He grabbed the razor and pressed it to his wrist. He heard a faint buzzing, he realized that someone was calling him. He sat up and grabbed his phone.

1 new missed call. Marvin💕

"Why now?" Whizzer snapped.

He called him back and waited for an answer.

"Whizzer!! I'm so happy you picked up! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out in like five minutes."

"five minutes? Are you nearby?"

"I'm at your front door."

Whizzer hung up and threw himself out of the bath and ran to his room to get dressed. He quickly buttoned up his shirt and his pants had random stains on them.

He rushed downstairs and opened the door. Marvin stood there with a lilac in his hand. Whizzer started to tear up. He pulled Marvin into his house and immediately pushed him onto the couch so that he could cuddle him.

"Thanks for saving me Marvie. I love you."

"you love me?" Marvin murmured

Whizzer laughed nervously. He didn't know what to say, Marvin had been his crush since high school. He gave him hope and kept him going. Whizzer couldn't function without Marvin.

"Yes, I love you. That's not going to change because I've felt this way for so long and-" Whizzer held back tears and took a shaky breath in.

" I just love you so much okay? I can't imagine life without you. You would be my world if I didn't have you I wouldn't be alive to tell you this. So yes, I love you,."Whizzer confessed. He broke into sobs.

Marvin pulled Whizzer close and let him cry into his shirt. Marvin ran his fingers through Whizzer's beautiful hair and relaxed.

" I love you too Whizzer." Marvin whispered.

Whizzer laughed and placed his head onto Marvins stomach. Marvin stretched and grabbed a blanket.

"nighty night whiz." Marvin yawned

Whizzer poked his side in response.

Five years later

Marvin and Whizzer laid in their bed, talking about random people they saw and work shenanigans.

"get up, let's dance." Whizzer giggled.

"Right now? I was about to go to bed" Marvin groaned.

"Should I play Madonna." Whizzer stared at his iPod and questioned his music taste.

Marvin scoffed and shrugged.

Whizzer clicked Wannabe by the spice girls and grabbed Marvins hand.

The song started to play, Marvins face lit up. Whizzer giggled and grabbed a microphone (aka a hairbrush)

Marvin jumped onto their bed and started to shout the lyrics and Whizzer joined him.

After their karaoke, they jumped into bed. Whizzer grabbed Marvins face and kissed his forehead.
"goodnight Marvie."
"Goodnight Whizzer."
They turned the lamps off on each of their bedside tables.

"ill tell you what I want what I really really want." Marvin whisper giggled. Whizzer kicked him lightly, they shared a laugh.

"you're so so stupid marv"

"No we're stupid.

I decided to leave this off on a good note, hopefully this chapter gets recognition smh.

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