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Your mother looked down into the bucket with an amused smile, her brow raising at the fish who looked back up at her with the same curious look in her eyes.

"Well shes beautiful but are you sure she wants to be here?"
She asked, turning to you who wore a huge grin.

You smiled.
"Before I went to meet you, I tried putting her back in the water but she kept swimming back into the bucket!"

Your mothers eyes widened before a hearty laugh escaped her lips, a happy smile on her lips as she straightened up.

"A fish wanting to stay captive? That's a first!"
She breamed, leaning down to grin at Mitsuri again.
"Well then! Welcome to the family, little mitsuri!"

The rain fell hard once more, the loud pitter pattern against your wooden roof sounding out throughout the house as you watched Mitsuri swim around in her new and improved fish bowl.

Aka a glass bowl your mother let you use for her.

"The rain is getting harder every day..."
You breathed out, turning to look out your window where fog and dark clouds blocked your view of the sea.
"I just hope dad's okay..."

Mitsuri watched you through the glass, wishing she could do something to comfort you. Alas, she was a fish. Not much she could do here.

Suddenly, you turned to her with a grin.

"How about I tell you about my dad while the storm calms down?"

The small fish twirled in the bowl, turning back to you after her little show to which you took as a yes.

"Well, hes got a heart made of gold. Mom always said I got my kind personality from him. He's always helping those around him and makes sure to put the ones he cares about before himself. Right now he's off at sea since he's part of the navy but he'll be back next month hopefully."
You grinned, resting your head on your arms that were crossed just in front of her bowl, Mitsuri swimming even closer towards you as you continued.

"He always takes me fishing whenever he's home, he teaches me how to work a boat and find my way around the sea when lost. When I was younger he had bought be this small play boat that actually worked! We would go to rivers on weekends and he would watch me navigate it around."
You laughed.
"I still have it actually, hopefully the rain clears soon so I can show it to you."

Lightning flashed the world around you, pink and green scales glittering in the light before cowering behind the small rock you put in there for her once the thunder followed.

You frowned, looking out the window where the storm was having its tantrum.

"Seems like it's not calming down any time soon..."
You groaned, running a hand through your hair.
"But thats alright, at least tomorrow is the weekend."

Relief washed over you once you said that. Thanking whatever god was out there for giving you break from walking through the horribly rain and waiting for floods to subside.

"Maybe if it's sunny tomorrow, I'll show you my boat."
You smiled, turning to look at her whom was cautiously creeping out from behind the small rock.

A soft smile appeared on your lips, happy to now have a companion for when you were left alone.

"....yeah... tomorrow."

"Must you go? Can't you take a day off?"
You asked your mother sadly, the morning rays of the sun seeping in through the glass door as you rubbed your eyes sleepily. Mitsuri's bowl securely sitting on your free arm.

Your mother smiled sadly, walking over to kiss your forehead before carefully sticking a finger into the bowl to try and pet mitsuri. An action that the fish gratefully accepted.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I promise I'll finish earlier though."
She smiled, sad to see you so upset about her leave.

Though she did understand. You were left alone most of your time if not in school. Sometimes she'd bring you to the retirement home but she also feared that you'd grow bored.

"Can I come with you then?"
You asked, almost as if reading her thoughts, her eyes widening in the process.

"You want to come?"
She chuckled, ruffling your hair as you nodded.
"Very well, go get dressed."

An award winning smile grazed your lips, your eyes sparkling as you began running up the stairs. Though, as soon as you disappeared out of her sight, you came running back down.

"Can i bring Mitsuri?"

The woman sweat dropped, her eyes trailing to the fish that seemed like she was also waiting for an answer.

Just as she opened her mouth to say no something flashed in her mind. She didn't know what it was, whether it was your upset and lonely face or the face of a young girl. Whatever it was pushed her to say yes.

"Take her in a bottle then, can't go around carrying her bowl all day."
She sighed as you once again beamed, running down the rest of the stairs towards the kitchen in hopes of finding an acceptable container.

"Who's this?"

The retirement home smelt like cleaning supplies and old people as usual. The wave of scent hitting your nose like a whiplash once walking through the sliding doors of the building.

Your attention, however, was focused on the old lady in front of you. Her curious blue eyes stuck on the small fish that happily swam around in the decently sized bottle You held.

"This is Mitsuri. Found her at the beach the other day stuck in a bottle and now she doesn't want to leave."
You explained, smiling as if it were normal for a fish to act like that.

The lady's eyes widened, her wrinkled mouth turning into an 'o' shape as she blinked a couple of times.

"Is that so?"

You nodded, a smile on your lips which soon grew contagious to the small crowd of elderly people that huddled around you.

One man in particular though, stared at the bottle with intense eyes. His dark orbs soon turning to look back at you.

Old man joe, that's what you called him. Though he hated the nickname often times more than not biting back at you by defending his 'young' age, he soon grew to accept the name. You had learned he was a fisherman in his 'golden days' as he likes to call them. Said he traveled the seven seas and battled sharks and whales, fished every fish you could think of.

Yet his eyes never fooled him, and right now what he was looking at was no fish.

"You keep that Mitsuri close to you deary."
He warned, pointing up a shaky finger at you before turning to the fish.
"Shes more than meets the eye."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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