2. New Friends

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"Do you want me to walk you home?" I looked up. Mike had raised his eyebrows in await of my response. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" My thoughts were still with the mysterious man from the pub. Thomas Shelby. "I was asking you, if you want me to walk you home." Mike had a patient smile on his face. I laughed shyly and wrapped my coat tighter around me. "No, thanks..." He furrowed his brows. "Please don't misunderstand. I just don't want you wandering around alone in this city at night." I nodded without looking at him. "No, I understand... I just.." He waited for me to finish my sentence. "I don't have anywhere to go..." With every word I lowered my voice more until it was only a whisper. He gasped of relief. "Why didn't you say this straight away? You can stay with me if you want." I was tempted to say yes, but what if his intentions weren't as nice as they seemed? My life had taught me never to trust anyone and I wasn't a lightheaded person. He chuckled. "You have doubts." I nodded. "I understand. I wouldn't trust a strange man either." He made a pause. "You know, I don't know you either, but I trust you with this. My boyfriend is waiting for me at home. Maybe that changes your opinion?." He winked and I admired his lightheartedness. Then he said: "Look, let's just head into my direction and if you decide spontaneously, that you don't want to stay, then I'll help you find a hotel. Deal?" I nodded and noticed, that I cheered up a bit.

As we arrived at his home, my feet were hurting from the long walk and I was exhausted. I agreed to take a look and then decide, but as we stepped into his modest dwelling I immediately made my choice. It was simple furnished and lit with candles. The furniture was in dark brown and as I noticed, in the same brown as Mike's eyes. This place radiated warmth and peace. Somehow I had the illusion, that as long as I was here nothing bad could happen to me.

Mike took my coat and I sat down on the edge of the couch. While I was watching the fire in the fireplace slowly burning up a piece of paper, I noticed that I almost drifted off. Then Mike entered the living room with another man by his side. "This is Marco... My Boyfriend." I shook his hand and introduced myself. "Thank you for letting me stay here." Marco smiled brightly. "No worries, tesoro. I love guests." I giggled and sat down again. "You're not from here, are you?" Marco shook his head, still smiling. "No, Italy." "What does tesoro mean?" He grinned. "I use it as "darling", but literally translated it means "treasure". I laughed. I already liked him. Then I pointed at his head. "I have never seen such a haircut in my entire life." He giggled and ran his fingers through his dark curls. "In Italy it's the latest thing." "Well, I love it." He laughed and took a bow. "Gracie." Then he disappeared into the kitchen and Mike placed himself in an armchair next to me. Marco seemed really nice. He had green eyes and his curly hair gave him a friendly appearance. Moreover was he slenderly built and had an extremly good taste in fashion as I could tell so far. He had a short beard, that underlined his jaw structure in an almost aesthetic way and since he radiated the same warmth as the appartment, I supposed that he furnished it.

After a while Mike opened his mouth to say something, when he got interrupted by his boyfriend shouting from the kitchen: "Anyone want tea?" Mike looked at me and I nodded. Then he responded: "Yes honey, tea for both of us, please." Then he turned around again and I chuckled. "You wanted to say something?" He nodded, but hesitated. "Yes. I hope you're not uncomfortable with me and Marco being..." He made gestures and I laughed. "No, of course not."

Later that evening we were sitting together, drinking tea and talking. I got along really well with them and enjoyed their company. I didn't expect to make friends so soon. And as far as I could tell, the two really liked me too. I even told the truth, why I left my home and came here. As I talked about my family, I almost began to cry again, but Marco came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Darling, if you cry, I'll cry too and you don't want to see this." I laughed and after a while I had almost forgotten about my sorrow.

"So Marco, what do you think about the Peaky Blinders?" Although Marco wasn't as grumpy as Mike when it came to them, I noticed that he didn't like them either. And he made no secret out of it. Soon the conversation got a bit out of control and they began to preach down on the whole government. I listened to them and noticed, that most of the time, I was of the same opinion. I also noticed, that apparently it was better if I stayed away from the Peaky Blinders, since I haven't heard anything positive about them.

In the morning, I entered the kitchen and saw Marco already preparing breakfast. As he saw me, he furrowed his brows. "What is it?" He pointed at me and said: "After breakfast, we're going to get you some new clothes." I opened my mouth, to protest, but then realised, that he was right. I really needed a new wardrobe. "But I don't have much money left." Although I didn't felt comfortable telling this to him, I wouldn't get around it. "That's no problem, tesoro. I'll help you out until you find a job." This time I did protest. "No, I don't want you to. I can take care of myself." He shook his head dispraisingly. "I know, you can. But I don't want you to, if I can make it easier for you. And just see it this way: I'm doing it for me, because I don't want to look at you when you're wearing these old rags." I gave in and he smiled proudly. Then Mike entered the kitchen and sat down. His hair was tousled and he had this cozy look in his eyes. He really looked adorable. Marco pecked his cheek. "Good morning, caro mio." Mike smiled happily and pulled him down at his collar to press a kiss on his lips. I watched them amused and noticed, that although the two were absolutely enchanting, I felt a bit lonely. I could use someone. A boyfriend... Somehow the first person who entered my mine was the one I saw in the pub yesterday. Thomas Shelby. I shook my head. What was I thinking? He was our enemy. Arrogant, Selfish, Violent, pompous....handsome... No, wait! I sighed. What was wrong with me? I had seen this man once in my life and yet I couldn't get him out of my head.

Later that day, Marco and I were shopping in the city and my assumption got confirmed. He really had good taste and when we were returning home, I felt like a new person. Never in my life had I  felt so chic. We also went to a hairdresser and I bought some make up. Marco was more than satisfied and while we were walking home, he continuously gave me compliments. As we entered the appartement, Mike was shocked and agreed with me, that Marco had an incredible sense for fashion.

In the evening the two were going to meet a few friends and asked me if I wanted to join them. Since I didn't have anything else to do and it was to late to go looking for a job, I agreed. On the way to the meeting I noticed, that I was a bit excited. Marco had helped me with my outfit and I had to admit that I looked astonishing. With this new look I was radiating a whole new energy. It gave me courage and confidence.

The meeting was in an old storehouse. I was a bit disappointed, since I was expecting that we would meet in a restaurant or in a pub, but luckily I could easily adapt. The few friends turned out to be almost twenty men waiting for us. We were greeted heartily and apparently it wasn't a big problem, that they brought a woman. After everyone had said hello, a tall man in a bright coat approached us. He shook my hand. "I'm Freddie Thorne. Nice to meet ya." I nodded and told him my name. He smirked. "So you found shelter with Mike and Marco?" Once again I nodded and smiled politely. "We already took her to heart." Marco meant and smiled brightly. Thorne smirked and tousled Marco's hair. Then he made his way through the group of men and stepped onto a box. "Alright, men!" He stopped and added. "And woman." I blushed. Some of the men didn't seem overhappy, that a woman was joining them. But Thorne didn't care and since Mike and Marco asked me to come, I straightened up and listened to the tall man on the box.

"The government is taking everything from us! We had to go to war and those who were lucky enough to return, got nothing!! While the weahlty ones are swimming in their fucking money and living a life in abudance, some of us have to fight every day to be able to feed their families! Is this fucking fair??" "NO!" Shouted the men in unison. My eyes were wide in excitement.
"Even the coppers, where some of them served alongside with us in the war, are against us! We have to stick together to stay strong and not give in! My hope is that someday every person in this goddamn city will have the same life standars!" The men cheered.

I saw hope in their eyes. I admired people, who still had hope in this time. I often found myself struggling to believe in something. Sometimes it just seemed like the candle that lit my world was blown out by the bombs of the war. And the dust that had settled on the cities made it hard for me to enlighten it again.

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