How did you.....

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Max P.O.V

I woke up, my body in pain. 'Fuck! I cant remember anything.' I tried to get up from my bed but was stopped by ropes on my arms and legs. I was in a chair wearing ripped yet bloody jeans, my legs were bleeding a bit, my red flannel around my waist, my black converses, and sports bra. 'The fuck. I'm not even in my bed, I'm not at home. How the fuck did I get here and where in the hell am I?'

'Ok lets try to remember what the hell happened-' Slam. I looked up to the source of the noise.

"Hey there kitten~" the voice said. I was more than pissed knowing who that the deep husky voice belonged to and that cursed nickname. "Fuck off will ya. Its been years since I got away from you twisted ass and you still wont leave me alone!"

He chucked, the one that used to make me scared and surrender my life, now its just fuel for anger. He walked from out the shadows and allowed me to see his face. I studied his figure seen I was curious. Only things that changed since High school was that he gotten a tattoo that said 'Fuck off bitches' on his shoulder, his hair was to the side of his face, and he gotten a lip piecing.

He chuckled again "Like what you see Maxie~?" "As if psycho path!" I yelled at the being that was once my boyfriend as he walked up to me. "But love this psycho path don't you Maxie~." "In your dreams Josh"

With that he slapped me, making my head turn into the direction he slapped me in. The slap was hard as hell. "Allow me to refresh your memory on how you got here", he stated.


I'm breathing heavily, running to seemingly nowhere. I heard a scream from behind me. I look and see Jake being thrown across my room, I'm outside in the woods behind my house.

"GET OVER HERE YOU SLUT", that voice. I saw a figure jump out of my room window, I turned and ran further into the woods. While running I cut my damn leg on a shaper piece of wood. "Shit!" I continued running until a fucking ARROW went flying into my leg causing my to fall.

"FUCKING SHIT BALLS AND COCK!" "You're a slut you like chocking on cock." My mind couldn't remember who it was, but it was for sure a male. "Jealous that I'm sucking Jake's and not yours?" The guy blushed but it went away as quickly as it came "Shut it whore", he pulled the arrow out of my leg, I growled at the pain.

Next thing I knew was a cloth being but on my mouth and nose. I tried to get take it off since it was making my vision blurry, but the was another person behind me, holding my arms down. Soon enough I passed out.

~End of Flashback~

I sat there in disbelieve that I had let my guard down, that I allowed Josh and who ever the hell that guy was to take me away from my house. 'Your stronger than that, why was your guard so low.'

"Remember now Kitten?" "Don't fucking call me that", I growled at him. "You're in no position tell me what to do, last time I checked you're tied in a chair, not me", he had gotten a bit closer to my face, smirking.

He pulled hand cuffs from out of his pocket than put them on my wrist, cutting the ropes off me. I stood up and glared at him as he held my hand cuffs by the chain and walked me over to the door. He stepped out, I was about to step out as well but he pushed me back to the room, letting go of the chains, and closing the door. I put my hands on the trap door to a little opening. He took off the hand cuffs and walked off, closing the trapped door.

I turned and looked around the room. A bed in the corner, dresser, and a toilet with a sink in the other corner across the room. 'I'm in a prison ceil, for highly dangerous criminals.'


It had been weeks since I was last outside. Josh put a tv in my room last week. Turns out Jack doubled his murders to make it seem like I was still around. I smiled but I need to get the fuck out of here. I turned off the tv and laid in the bed falling asleep unaware of the message that was ahead of me.


I was in a dark place, I was in a white laced open back that went down to my knees, fish net stocking, white boots that went to my ankles, my hair was in a ponytail.

"Come here Maxwell", a female voice called to me.

The female was in a white dress as well, stopped just before her thighs. Her hair was as long as mine when it was down, stopped at the hips. She had a white butterfly barrette in her hair and had white heels that stopped below her knees. Her gently smile and calming eyes were like mine. Her vocie was soft. I knew it was, by sound, my mother.

I walked over to her as she opened her arms, I walked into the and hugged her as she hugged me. I started to cry as she hugged me back. I felt another hand, the wasnt my mothers, hug me. I looked to see a man.

He wore a black and white suit and had spiky hair. His eyes were soft aswell as his smile. He was mucular, looked like a boxer.

"Hi princess", his vocie was deep yet camly and soft. I cried more, "Dad......?"

We all pulled away from the hug. "Look at you, you're so beautiful my dear", my mother put her hand on my cheek and I melted into her touch. "Yet your in a situation you can get out of", my father spoke. "I know and I dont know how to get out-" I was cut off by my mother "Yes you do, you're my baby, you're just as smart as me and your father together. You're our little demon, an assassin who is her boss. You can figure how to get out in a heart beat." "Your mother is right, Maxwell. Before you know it you'll be back to your normal live stornger than you think you are."

They stepped away from my a bit and they both spoke "You're smart and strong my dear. Dont ever forget than"

~End of Dream~

I shot up opening my eyes. Looking around and got up going to the dresser. I sat down thinking of my way out. Something hit me that should have hit me seen the day I got here.

How did you find me..........

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