{Chapter 4}

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Your P.O.V.

Sun shines gently through window into my face. I slowly woke up and sat on edge of the bed. I changed into dress.

I looked into my reflection in mirror and smiled

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I looked into my reflection in mirror and smiled. Melody ran through my ears as I started singing.

Hello gorgeous, let's check out how you look today.
Who's that person in the glass, staring back your way?
Sure it's you, but just take in that view and woah.
Girl, you couldn't look better.

I sang softly, it was really nice melody. I wrote it in my notes.

"Are ya awake?"
"Yeah, what is it?"

It was Sarah, she opened door and smiled at me.

"It's breakfast."
"Oh, okay I'll be there."

She left, I grabbed my doll and got down on breakfast. We had pancakes today and they were yummy. After breakfast I went into garden. I was walking on rock path through roses some bamboo and trees. I sat on white bench and started playing with a doll. I heard footsteps small and light. I looked around in fear to see someone, but there wasn't no one. It started to dark, so I headed home. When I was ready go to bed something was missing.
My doll!!
I left it on that bench. I got my coat and flashlight and went into garden. When I got there, she wasn't there. I looked around and saw small light between bushes. I went near the light it was coming from little garden house near the wall. I went inside with hope to find my doll. There were so many boxes, I searched all of them, but nothing. Then again I heard light footsteps, but they were near me. I turned around to find nobody.

"'Ey there."

I looked down to find something like a...

To be continued...

301 words

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