Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The evening passed quickly.

A week passed.

I started going to the library every single day. The dreams never stopped. Each one more confusing than the last .

The old man was showing me the colt. He taught me how to make the special bullets needed for the colt. That part was very hard.

 He called me “Princess”. I don’t know. Something about the word and the way he said it made me feel like he cared for me. It made me feel lighter.

He took out something out of his pocket. It was a silver toothpick that reflected the light. He took my hands and gave it to me. It felt cold. He called it – “The Coltiss” He described it with pride. After a quick talk, he told me to yell “vendetta”. I did.

There was a bright blinding light and I felt “The Coltiss” grow longer in my hands. It turned into a spear like thing. It was long but amazingly light. He told me that he had made it especially for me. That only I could summon on its true shape and that only I could use it. Nobody but me. The days sped by and I saw myself practicing with it day and night. I heard myself call him – grandpa. 

The man took The Coltiss after a few months and gave me a riddle:

When the day begins, it hits the spot

The spot in which my precious is locked

If you seek you might find

The treasure you have been looking for all your life

Since then, I have tried to sketch that old man but I could never finish it. Something would distract me and then I would stop my sketch and frustrated, I would always scrunch it up and throw it in the bin. Finally, after many days, I drew his face. It was so familiar. Every day I would go to the library and find out everything I could about the old man. But researching about someone without a name was very hard. All I had was his sketch. Sam had given me a hex bag so that no demon could find me.

Now that I had started having these dreams, I noticed the visions weren’t as much as they used to be. They didn’t come quite as much.

At last after almost a month, I found out the old man’s name: Samuel Colt. Through the last month, Dean, Sam and Bobby were like family. Dean & Sam cared for me like big brothers and Bobby like a father.

I was still not convinced that he was my grandfather. But the dream I had today made me believe it.

The dream was an awkward one. I was sitting with Samuel. Suddenly, the whole sky turned black. A man approached us. He had black eyes. I prepared myself. I knew there would be a battle. He talked with Samuel as if he knew him from the past. Seeing me, he told me his name – Damon.

I will never forget that name. We had a fight. Samuel and I fought Damon and some other demons. I didn’t have The Coltiss and I was only 9 years old. During the fight, Damon pushed me to the wall. The nail on the wall made a huge cut in my back. I felt powerless infront of him. It was a long fight. I just couldn’t keep up.  Damon took me hostage. He was about to kill me when Samuel offered his life in exchange of mine. The blood of the famous hunter and maker of the colt in exchange for a small girl’s life.

Damon took the deal happily and expressed his “joy” and killed Samuel in front of me.

I could do nothing.

But before Samuel died, he came up to me and said: “Grow up to become a beautiful woman who helps others. I’m going to erase your memory now. You’ll go live with your father. Goodbye, Princess”.

He touched my forehead and I woke up on my bed drenched in sweat. I felt the scar on my back. I had always thought it to be a birthmark or something. I looked out the window. It was dark outside. I buried my face in my pillow.

What was happening to me?.

I checked my watch – 2 am. I replayed my dream over and over in my mind.

Samuel was my grandfather and that he had died to save me.

I thought deeply for a while. I got up and started packing my bag. Laptop, holy water, salt, iron bar, hex bags, chalks, etc. I stuffed a few snack bars and a bottle of water. I stuffed my jacket and a few spare clothes.

I took a piece of paper and wrote:

No need to worry. Just gonna go for some research. Might take a long time. If I don’t call in a month, well… think it through. I’ll Probably be dead. Anyways, Bye.

I left the note on the top of the table and went outside silently. I had parked my bike in front of the house. I checked the gas. Full. I smiled. I silently thanked Amy for making it a habit. I climbed on and started the engines.

Next stop : Sunrise, Wyoming.

Thanx for reading..! Hope you like it..!


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