Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Sunila Deandre Lohia

Chapter 2

I woke up in an old looking room. I tried to move but my whole body ached. I got up from the bed and tried to walk towards to door

Swoosh! Bang!

I slipped and fell on my back. Oww. It hurt. I heard footsteps. Bobby appeared at the door.

"Couldn't you stay in the bed for one minute? Idgit." Said Bobby.

Funny swear word. He helped me to get up and I went downstairs.

"You fought well for a Non-hunter." Said Bobby.

"I did? What happened yesterday?" I asked.

"Yesterday? You've been out for 5 days".

"Five days?"

He nodded.

"So? What happened."

"When we reached there, there was no one. It was only a really trashed room and you lying there. After that we brought you here."

"No one?"

"Not a single demon".

"I need to go back to my home."

"After what happened? In this state? You want to kill yourself?"


"No buts, you're staying here."

"My stuff?"

"What stuff?"

"If you expect me to stay here, I need my stuff."

Bobby thought for a minute. "Okay, I'll accompany you then. Get in the car"

I slowly walked towards the car. When we reached the house, I was greeted by Amy. My helper. She was in her early 30s. She had been like my mother.

"Miss, are you alright? Your room was a mess when I came to work. I have been worried sick." Said Amy. "I thought of calling the police but I didn't do it because you would go on a trip without informing me for days and I didn't think it was necessary."Right about now she was muttering nonsense. I could see she was clearly worried for me. She took care of me like a mother. She was the only one other than my dad whom I could call family.

"Its okay Amy. I'm fine. I'll be out for a long time. Take care of yourself and the house, Okay? If anything happens, call me right away."

"Yes Miss." Said Amy.

I looked at my house. It was a good thing I wasn't going to live in such a big house. Alone, without my father. The house brought back many happy memories. I went to my room. I called my advisor in the firm and asked him to take care of it. Not now.I couldn't take care of it. I grabbed some clothes, my laptop, my favorite teddy, a bundle of sketch sheets, pencils,brushes, apron, novels and all the other necessary stuffs.

"What are the sketch sheets for?" asked Bobby.

"I dabble"

I handed Bobby a bag and took another one with me. When we reached back to Bobby's, Sam & Dean were waiting.

"You woke up?"

"Apparently, It seems like it. "

I shifted all my things to my new room upstairs and started unpacking. It was very slow. The fight had apparently, left me weak. I finished and went downstairs. A sharp pain ran through my body. I couldn't move and just stood there. In the middle of the stairs. I slowly walked to the living room and sat. Seeing me in pain, Sam told me to stay in my room and rest. I nodded.

I took the sketch sheets and started drawing Bobby. It took me nearly two hours to complete it. I packed it and put it away. I was tired. I closed my eyes.

I saw myself. A smaller me. Maybe when I was 5 years old. I was sitting there on the bed and memorizing the spell to send a demon back to hell. An old man came and was about to say something when I woke up.

A dream.

I was pondering over my dream when my stomach grumbled. I was hungry. I went

downstairs and asked what they ate. Nothing.

Dean went and brought hamburgers and fries. I devoured everything with pleasure.

"What are you working on?" I asked.

"Azazel", replied Sam.

"Go back to your room. If you wanna help, get better" said Bobby.

I went back to my room and went back to sleep.

I found myself looking at a smaller me. Again. The old man was teaching me something. He was talking about demons and shapeshifters. Everything exactly what Bobby told me. The old man's face seemed familiar.

But i couldn't recognize it. I kept staring at the face. Everything went blur. I found myself sitting in front of a man. He didn't seem familiar. I must have been 8 years old. he was making a tatoo on me.

I woke up. Another dream. I slowly got up and went to the shower. After I finished, I took a big towel and wrapped myself in it. I went up to the mirror. I could see my tattoo clearly. It was different from any other tattoo. I wasn't common at all. I dressed up.

I took the sketch sheets and started drawing Dean. I needed to take my mind of that dream. I kept telling myself that it was nothing. Just a dream.

The day passed quickly. I went downstairs and found Dean working on something. I didn't see Sam or Bobby.

"Where are Sam and Bobby?" I asked

He looked up. "They went to the library to research about something."

"You guys go to the library?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"If you need to research something, library is the first thing to go to."

I nodded. I sat in front of him.

"Dean, I wanted to ask you about something."I said.


"I wanted you to see this".

I pulled my shirt and showed my tattoo. It was below my left clavicle.

"Does it seem familiar?" I asked.

"That's the sign that makes your body unpossesable by demons." He lowered his shirt and showed me his tattoo. Exactly like mine.

I nodded. It was getting more and more complicated.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Well.... I'm having these dreams. I see myself in my childhood talking to this old man. He was teaching me everything about hunting. He even got me this tattoo. But I don't remember anything like that. What do you think I should do?"

He smiled.

"First- I know this is hard but I don't know this any better than you right now. Its pretty messed up. Now that you have started, you just have to deal with it. So I guess you need to start going to the library"





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