Chapter Thirteen

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↤↤↤↤↤ Julie ↦↦↦↦↦

Hanna and I are in a burrito blanket watching Jay and Kib suck at cards. I almost want to laugh out loud at how awful they both are at this game. It's one of those violent ones, where they put out cards and slap the pile when they match. It's grown chaotic. Jay keeps slapping the pile when the cards aren't even remotely similar and losing. It's pretty entertaining. Hanna starts to say something when all of our heads snap up to see Danny get thrown into the closet from the other side of the room like a ragdoll.
"What the fuck?" The both of us struggle out of our blanket and rush over to the closet, me tripping over my own foot and almost falling face-first into the door. Jay and Kib drop their cards with a curious urgency; Ryan unfolds his legs and shoots up from the couch. I look over slightly to see Adam move over to the side, avoiding everyone as if someone wasn't just telekinesised into a damn closet and he should be helping, too.
Jay and I try and open the door, forcefully grabbing the handle and turning and yanking, but it's locked. It locks from the outside? I try turning the lock myself but I almost break my nail— it won't budge. Danny continually screams at us for locking him inside, yelling how he's about to drown. He's really lost it now.
"Ok, Danny. Calm down, we're going to get you out of there." Jay keeps jiggling the locked knob. He lowers his voice and says to me: "Come on, help me. Before he goes fucking insane, if he's not already."
I kick the door, hoping to loosen some screws when I see something crawl out under the doorway. Ew, holy shit! What is that? I stop kicking for a moment and see that it's hundreds of little spiders.
Jay and I step back, walking away from the closet and Danny.
Seeing them scuttle around makes my mind lose itself. I imagine them climbing up my legs and walking on my body and I let out a struggled sob.
"Oh God. Oh, what the fuck? What the actual fuck?" Jay's voice starts to tremble.
"Ew, ew, ew. Danny, what the fuck are you doing? I'm going to cry. Where did they even come from?"
"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Ryan asks us, but we don't answer because we're too busy trying to avoid the large trail of spiders coming from the fucking closet.
We get backed into the corner and I try to climb onto Jay, so nothing can crawl up my legs. In response, he fucking pushes me to the floor, into the hoard of spiders surrounding us.
"JAY!!!" I can feel them crawling all over me. Their legs make my skin crawl and tingle and I shudder, shaking my arms furiously and trying to fling them off.  It's the worst sensation in the world. I feel bile rise in my throat. I'm shaken up and traumatized suddenly I let out an ear-piercing shriek and everyone covers their ears, with painful looks on their faces. More and more bugs continue to crawl all over my body and I try my best to wipe them all off. They reach my face and I see one look right at me and open it's pincers. Screeching, I rip off my glasses, horrified at seeing the underside of a spider through the lenses, but quickly close my mouth, afraid that one might crawl in. Tears flow from my eyes freely and I shake convulsively, everything starting to become blurry from fear.
I turn my head and see Jay, sitting trapped in the corner, with those black little shits crawling up him. I can hear him apologizing, saying "I'm so fucking sorry," over and over again for pushing me to the ground. He's crying, kicking and slapping himself desperately over and over to no avail.
I can barely see anything now, without my glasses, and with the amount of spiders all over my face. I shut my eyes and hold my breath, slapping my own face in a frantic attempt to get rid of them, but there's always more. They keep coming and my heart starts to beat faster. I hyperventilate and scratch at my skin, desperately trying to pull them off. I can feel the thousands of teeny tiny legs creeping along my body, down my spine, over my head, on the back of my neck, under my knees.
In the corner of my eye, I can see Jay, struggling as well. I think he gave up. He's squatting with his hands over his ears and his hood over his head, sobbing and shaking violently, letting the spiders cover his skin. He's almost cloaked in them. It's a disgusting sight and it makes me want to puke.
My eyes are closed and my hands are over my ears, but I can hear Ryan yelling at us in confusion. A hand touches my shoulder and I jump, swatting it off quickly. What the fuck is he doing? Is he really that indifferent about spiders? He backs up, muttering something in confusion to Kib and Hanna. 
I'm overwhelmed and my crying is mixed with small screams of terror, I want to die. I can't handle this. I try to stand to run, but my shaky legs give out underneath me and I fall back to the floor, allowing more bugs to take up real estate on my skin. Covering my ears with my hands once more, I curl into the tightest ball possible and wait as the spiders' numbers eternally grow.

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