Chapter 1: Bus Station

Start from the beginning

Every morning I would wait on this bench at this bus station. Poppy would be sitting on the left side. He's as tall as the bus station itself, which was around 2 and a half meters tall, and he looks like a giant soccer ball, but more fluffy, like a giant fur ball, or a really fat Persian cat. He takes up about 3 quarters of the whole bench alone, but all spirits can't be seen or touched by normal people, so people kind of just ignore him and sits inside him, or sits through him. 

This normally never happens though, cause almost no one comes to this bus station. But sometimes when it does happen, they'd look like they're in a huge hamster ball. Which is kind of funny.

Ever since I was little, I was the only one who can see spirits. So I guess there's not much point sharing in all of this. Cause ya'll probably can't see it too.


"Yes, Jeyne?"

"I failed the JSA entrance exam..."

"Failed huh..."


I took out the rejection letter that I had brought along with me.  I don't know why I did so. But I do know why I did so.

I just didn't want my dad to find out.

My dad's name is Jeorge Scarlet. He's a great dad. He's not the type of dad that would get mad at me for failing entrance exams, or anything at all really. But he cares about me a lot, maybe too much. Knowing him, he'd be the first one to break into tears after finding out that I failed my entrance exam.

I slipped the letter out from within the envelope and reread it.

The letter said the same things it said before. 

It tells me I failed, it tells me how sorry they are to inform me about all this 'bad news', and it wishes me good luck in my 'future'. The same words, in the same short 3 paragraphs of printed text, and on the same fresh beige paper that smelled like almonds but not like the almonds from an almond tree but like almond from another tree that didn't have almonds on them. This doesn't make sense but somehow that's what I think it smells like, and I feel like I'm right.

I kind of hoped it was all just a dream. Maybe. 

And whatever I read a while ago was all a lie. 

And whatever I'm gonna read now is probably not 'bad news'.

But this is the lie, and this is the lie I tell myself every time I tried reading this letter again.

I was always proven wrong.

"Well! There goes my dream to space! Yay!" I exclaimed, stretching my hand out with my fist clenched, and shot it towards the sky, making a little -Woohoo- gesture.

Then, I swung my head onto Poppy's shoulder.

-Poof- it went and I started sinking into his soft white fur.

Unlike everyone else in the world, I can touch spirits. It's not the greatest thing in the world if ya actually experienced it yerself, cause sometimes, they block all the doors when ya wanna enter places and they block all the exits when ya wanna get out places. And ya gotta watch out for more of who ya bump into when yer in really really crowded places. 

Don't even get me started on how people laugh at ya for bumping into thin air.

But right now, Poppy's fluffy fur is so comfy, I'm starting to forget I all the bad things in my head, I even forgot I was about to cry.

I am so glad I can touch spirits.

-Pok- and landed Poppy's karate chop onto my head.

'Ouch!' was what I was about to say, but Poppy's hand is just too fluffy, I puffed out a giggle instead.

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