boss man

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Rolling my eyes I trip over my own two feet as I try to take my heels off without sitting down. I kick my foot back and slam my apartment door shut before grabbing my half empty bottle of wine. Grabbing the sprinkles bottle out of my cabinet I reach into my secret hiding place and pull out my lighter and the blunt I rolled before work. My feet are killing me and my boss has been texting me errands to run for him since the ass crack of dawn. I gulp the bitter tasting Taylor Port straight from the bottle as I make my way to the bathroom to start a hot bath.

My phone vibrates and I look at the screen, squinting my eyes.

Boss Man: I need thirty copies of the overview for the law firm tomorrow as soon as you come in Monday morning.

I mock his voice in my head and pour some oils in my bath. This is the best I've felt all week. It seemed like work was unforgiving, something constantly getting in the way of my success. Granted I started a few months ago and needed to still get the feel of things, but I only see it getting harder from here. My boss, a fucking jerk. A condescending, demanding, unforgiving, racist fucking cracker. Yes, I said it. This isn't even me being unqualified and blaming it on racism. He dismisses me, disrespects me, and isn't easy to work with on a good day.

Once I settle into my bath I shuffle my playlist and light my blunt, sinking further into the comfort of the scorching hot water. I debate texting him back but I'll wait until the morning, it's ten thirty at night anyways. Sometimes I wonder if he has a life.

Fifteen minutes go by and my Rabbit taunts me. My lip pouts and I try to ignore the warmth rising in my stomach, I want real dick but it's been months. Five to be exact. Twenty years old with a rapidly decaying sex life, and no sign of a fiancé, sad. I nod my head and think about the last person I fucked, I groan, kicking my legs in the water. Israel was tall dark and had the prettiest set of teeth I've ever witnessed in my life. Our relationship has been on and off sine high-school but he was mentally unstable. Accusing me of seeing other people when I wasn't, taking my phone, starting arguments. I normally like men that are possessive but he takes it to an entirely different level. If I fuck him tonight, I'm going to open up a world of problems. He'll probably start popping up at my job to 'bring me lunch'.

But I need it.

Me: Hey

The rain outside practically makes me scream. This is the best night to fuck and cuddle, with a sweet smelling candle and maybe some handcuffs, depends. He starts typing immediately and I hurry up and exit the thread, thinking over my decisions. Izzy knows what I want, why else would I text him this late? After five months on top of that.

My toy still taunts me as I drain the bathwater out of the tub, preparing for a quick shower. I huff and grab it, praying it's charged. As it comes to life I bite my lip and look over at my phone, grabbing it to take a video to send to him. I push the toy deep inside me, moaning softly for a theatrical tone. When I'm by myself and not recording I sound like I'm having a heart attack when I orgasm. The toy get's wetter and wetter as I fuck myself and moan a little louder, the flash bringing the wetness to life. My hips jerk when a familiar wave of pleasure falls over me and I squirt a little, gasping as I end the video.

I decide to shower up as the liquor and weed start to hit me, my balance slightly affected. I drink a tiny bit more, a few more gulps I should say before I rewatch the video. I bite my lip, trying to figure out what to say.

Me: The only thing I want to do is fuck you right now daddy.

I send the video and scream, I would never actually say anything like that sober.

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