Summer Camp

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Chris didn't think it through enough. He definitely didn't. There were orbs everywhere. That was all Chris could see once again. The mall was packed the day before Summer Vacation. Chris was alone. Nobody had to know it was him. It would be as easy as taking candy from a baby. Before Chris could contemplate the thought further, he felt a sudden sensation on his shoulder. Turning around, Chris saw Aizawa with his clasped hand upon the boy's shoulder.

"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa. I hope it wasn't too much trouble."

The teacher simply grunted in response and left the younger teen, going about his business as he was doing before. Chris then felt a twinge in his palm. The pain wasn't from an external force, but, in fact, it was from his quirk. The quirk Link let Chris bond himself to other people and feel when they are in distress. Chris then donned a mask he saw at a nearby store.

When Chris arrived at the person in distress, he saw exactly what he knew he would see. The quirk notified Chris, somehow, who was in distress. The person in question was Midoriya Izuku. The boy was sitting beside a person that had their arm wrapped around the former. The second person also had their hand wrapped around the throat of Izuku. This shady figure...was Shigaraki.

Chris arrived just in time to hear the start of the conversation.

"Why is nobody looking at me? I mean, the Hero Killer was just destroying what he didn't like, right? And Reaper. Why are people so concerned over him? What's the difference between us?"

Chris then grabbed onto Shigaraki's throat. The other person didn't notice immediately, but they were too busy talking to notice in the first place.

"The difference between you and the Hero Killer is conviction. I don't agree with what he does, but we both started out by watching All Might. You destroy without a reason. The Hero Killer tries to live up to his ideals no matter the situation."

Shigaraki smiled a little bit when he heard that, but he quickly noticed the hand still in his throat. Izuku turned around to see a mysterious person holding onto his captor.

"Now that everyone is listening, I thought I said I would terminate everyone who touched those under my protection."

Shigaraki tightened his hold on Izuku's throat, causing Chris to smile underneath his mask.

"Don't you remember what happened to your Nomu? I had a snack before coming over here."

Chris pulled the bottom of his mask up to reveal the blood streak going down from the corner of his mouth. Luckily, Chris had turned off his emotions and had his voice changer active. If he didn't, he would be having a hard time keeping down his laughter. Reaper, motioned for Izuku to continue.

"The difference between you and Reaper and conviction. Reaper, although I don't agree with it, I respect what he is doing. He is taking care of corrupt politicians and CEOs. He also has a group of people that, in his words, '...will never be forgotten again...' This seems like he has a group of people that he values. You, however, threw all of your 'pawns' to the side when you lost at the USJ."

Suddenly, Mina appears out of nowhere. Chris was confused. He thought someone else would check in on him.

"What are you doing? Are you friends?"

Mina wasn't getting the picture as fast as she should have, but that was for the better. Shigaraki then let go of Midoriya and decided to walk off.

"Wait, Shigaraki. What is All for One's ultimate goal?"

Mina was shocked that the villain would be here of all places.

"Dunno. Don't care."

Shigaraki disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace of him behind. Izuku then turned to Reaper. Mina had already started calling the cops.

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