Chapter 1: The Queen meets her King

Start from the beginning

I smiled at him, "Thank you." All of a sudden, I heard shrieking from the hall. Fangirls, I hate them.

"Oikawa can you sign this?"

"Oikawa take a picture with me?"


I think I'm gonna leave I hate the shrieking. I stopped when I heard Oikawa, "Sorry, but I need to take my friend to the gym."

He walked by me and whispered, "Play along." What did he mean by that? He stuck out his hand, "Shall we go?"

I hesitated, but grabbed his hand, "We shall." I could feel the death glares from the girls as soon as Oikawa turned around. I found it kind of amusing.

"Don't worry about them, if they touch you, Iwa won't be the only problem." He whispered. Why does he care?

I scoffed playfully, "What's worse than Hajime when he's angry?" We both laughed and continued walking I enjoyed talking to him it was nice.

~Oikawa's POV~

She scoffed playfully, "What's worse than Hajime when he's angry?"

We both laughed and continued to talk, she's real, at least I hope so. Her long hair is pretty and her eyes are mesmerizing. But, she's Iwa's sister. When she gets to know me she'll probably dislike me and Iwa would kill me. My friends are right, how are so many girls into me? Actually, nevermind, they see the hot face, but not the real me.

We entered the gym and she screamed, "Hajime!" He waved, but I got kind of annoyed when the others start blushing from seeing her.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He replied.

~Your POV~

"Hey, (Y/N)," he said with a smile when I entered most of the boys are blushing, why? Who knows boys are weird.

He walked over and noticed Oikawa, "I see you met him already."

I smirked, "Yeah, he doesn't seem that annoying, except for the part of the killing fangirls."

Hajime smirked and teased him, "I nearly forgot about that."

Oikawa had puffy cheeks like a kid, which I thought looks cute, and whined, "What else could possibly be wrong about me?"

All the 3rd years started listing things while I laughed at everything they say while Oikawa whined again, "You guys are mean."

I punched his arm, "You are unbelievable."

"Ow," he faked.

"Liar." He smirked knowing I was right. But, we went back and forth calling each other names and the rest of the team was just shocked at how we got along.

After practice was over we went home, I walked home with Iwazumi and Oikawa. Suddenly, Hajime remembered something, "Crap, Oikawa can you walk her home, I forgot something."

"Sure thing," he gave him a thumbs up and a smile.

He walked me home instead. I looked at the floor, "Thanks."

He looked at me, "What for?"

"For walking me home," I replied.

He chuckled and my heart skipped a beat, "Please you're my friend." I hugged him before I even realized my body moved. "What's this for?" He asked, blushing and flustered.

I hugged him tightly, "For being my friend, Oikawa."

He smiled at me, "No problem (Y/N), and please call me Tooru. You're Iwa's sister anyway. So just call me Tooru. Iwa's just too mean to use my actual name."

I smiled back, "Okay Tooru." I asked him for his phone and he gave it to me and I put my number in, "Now you have mine and I have yours good night."

He waved, "Good night Princess."

I turned and looked at him, "I'm not a Princess, I'm a Queen." I headed inside and after half an hour I texted Tooru.

(Y/N): Hey

Tooru: Hi

(Y/N): What are you doing?

Tooru: Lying down

(Y/N): You bored?

Tooru: It's more fun talking to you

I blushed when I read that.

(Y/N): I am a very fun person :)

Tooru: What about me? ;)

(Y/N): You're alright ;p

Tooru: Now I'm hurt

(Y/N): Lair

Tooru: Maybe ;)

(Y/N): Definitely

Tooru: Good night Queen

(Y/N): Good night King

I blushed after reading and sending what I did, but I don't think he cares much.

~Oikawa's POV~

Great my face is red again. Why am I red every time she does something cute. I've got to stop. I can't fall in love with someone I just met can I? Besides, she probably already sees me as an older brother.

Underlined- (Y/N)
Italics- Oikawa
Bold- Both

It'll just end in heartbreak

Just like before.

I highly doubt he/she likes me anyway.

~(Y/N)'s POV
-A couple of weeks later-

"Way to go guys, you won," I told them. They went against Karasuno today and they won the game.

They looked so cheerful and confident, "Was there any doubt?" Oikawa asked.

I shook my head and grinned, Hajime ruffled my hair, "Your cheering helped." I put my hands against my heart, "Aw thank you." I giggled and hugged him. Yep, they are awesome now to beat Shiratorizawa.

The Queen and The Great KingWhere stories live. Discover now