Chapter One

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     “You’ll be fine, Will. Don’t be so nervous!”, Jonathan sighed. It was eight am. The boy looked at Jonathan with a look in his eyes that said “I don’t wanna go”.

“Okay, bye” Will had rolled his eyes. He then grabbed hold of the doorknob and yanked it from it’s skeleton. After he was out, he had slammed the door. The boy in the bowl cut had on a red plaid long-sleeve button up on and some light blue denim jeans. He looked both ways before crossing to the left sidewalk. Once he crossed it, he headed straight to Hawkins Middle School.

Will gently takes a step and taps the floor of the school with his tennis shoes. Don’t be a fuck up this time or you’re gonna be cancelled. Will looked around the school building before the first class bell rang. He had explored the library, his classrooms, and the cafeteria which had a Starbucks. The first class bell rang and Will fluttered off to his first class, algebra.

He walks in and stops, trembling. Everyone was staring at him. Oh god, not another fairy, they probably thought, according to Will. He scrambled for a seat until a girl with red braids motioned for him to sit. He jotted over there quickly.

“Hi, I’m Max” the girl said.

“Hi?” Will questioned. Why was someone already trying to make friends with him? 

“It’s ok, this class will pass soon. All classes pass fast here”, Max assured him. Will looked at the girls braids wondering how she got them to look perfect without the stands looking uneven tethered in a braid. 

“Okay” Will shrugged as if it were nothing. I guess that’s interesting. The teacher coughs, getting the class back in order.

“So, here’s an exercise. I will pair you up with someone every five minutes of this class. Every five minutes, you have to get to know the person so you’re familiar with them in future projects” The teacher’s eyes glazed over Will. Will felt like he’d been stalked. Everyone gazed towards him. 

“Okay, the first pairs. Max and Jane, Dustin and Lucas, Mike and Will” The teacher rambled on until he had mentioned every student in the class.

Will looked around until he saw one of the kids waving at him.
“Hey, come over here” the boy mumbled. Max looked at him and rolled her eyes at the sound of his voice. 

“I didn’t even say anything to you Max!” The boy exclaimed. 

“Just shut up Wheeler!” Max yelled. Jane looked at her and giggled with her mouth closed. Will slowly darted to him.

“Hi Will, my name’s uh” The boy couldn’t let the words out of his mouth. He just looked in the Byers’ kid’s eyes and gazed. He was in awe. Will’s eyes slowly started to look in the Wheeler kid’s eyes.

“It’s Mike right?” Will asked. He touched the back of his neck awkwardly. 

“Yeah, yes! Sorry, I got distracted because Max was talking”, Mike rolled his eyes towards Max. 

“Oh my fu- just shut up! I wasn’t even talking to you!” Max rolled her eyes again. Will kinda snickered.

“Sorry, I’m probably wasting our time” Mike looked at his watch. One minute had already passed.

“So, tell me about yourself”. Mike sighed.

“Well, my name’s Will. I have a brother named Jonathan. I came from Chicago. I’ve been in a gang before. Sorry, I’m not really interesting” Will laughed.

“Ooh, what gang?”

“Uh, it’s called the Hellfire Club, I guess. I’m kinda a rebel” Will mumbled.

“But you look like you wouldn’t even hurt anyone? You look pretty nice” Mike smiles a bit.

“Anyways, I’ll give some facts about me I guess. I have a girlfriend named Jane, I have a big sister named Nancy, a little sister named Holly. I have a club and I really like to play dnd”

“DnD? What’s that?” Will tilted his head.

“Maybe you could come over with my friends and I after school, could you?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, sure” Will mumbled.

“Okay, next shift. Max and Mike, Will and Jane, Dustin and Stacy’, the teacher rambled names off again.

“Hi…” Jane looked down. She looked at the details of Will’s shoes.

“Hi?” Will asked, wondering why she was acting strange. 
“So, my boyfriend’s cute right?” She giggled. Will smirked back, but wasn’t delighted. Girlfriend, he thought, gross

“So, I guess I’ll tell you about myself. I love waffles, eggos specifically. I listen to pretty good music like Billie EIlish, what’s your music taste?” Jane asked.

“Um, The Neighborhood, Panic at At The Disco, people like them I guess” Will shrugged unwillingly.

“” Jane mumbled.

“So, how long have you and Mike been dating?” Will asks.

“Um, about two years. We go way back. He found me crying in the rain one night in October. I had just been through a breakup. It’s okay, that guy was a hoe anyways” Jane laughs.

Will silently gawks at Janes word choice. She’s probably the popular girl in his class, oh god. Will smirks and laughs it off. “That sounds bad, about your ex. I’ve never dated anyone”

“I mean, Max is single at the moment. She’s avalible” Jane smiles and nods towards Max’s direction. 

Will turns around to look at Mike. “I think I’m good”, He huffs. He fixes the collar in is plaid shirt.

“Well, you seem like a nice boy” Jane flutters her fingers where Will’s shirt pocket was.

“I- I guess I am” Will blushed.

“Okay, next rotation!” The teacher declared. Will dashed out of Jane’s way and goes to Max. 

“So, how do you like my friends?” Max asked. Will shrugged. They seem okay. 

“They’re okay. Mike seems pretty fun” Will shrugs again. Max turns to him in disgust.

“Mike? Fun? Never heard those words in the same sentence” Max chuckles. Before she knew it, Jane was behind her, in a rage.

“You’re just jealous that I have a boyfriend and I’m thriving” Jane snickers. Max glares at her in hate.

“No, you’re jealous that I don’t deal with boyfriends. Hashtag GAY RIGHTS”, Max went off. Will had to turn around, cover his mouth and laugh out loud.

“Whatever, Whopper is superior” Jane smirks.

“Haha, whopper? Is that your ship name?” Will mumbles.

“What?” Jane interrupts him. She was filled with rage.

“No, I like whoppers i guess. I prefer hershey bars though” Will had a slanted smile. Jane rolled her eyes as the bell had rung.

I guess Hawkins is okay

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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