Silent Treatment

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You couldn't believe it. Troy missed our date. You usually don't get worked up about these things, but it's just you haven't seen each other in 2 weeks. He's been on tour

You walk into your house and go to your room. You take off your clothes off and do your night routine. While you brush your teeth your phone rings. You go to see who it is and it's Troy. You let the phone ring. Deciding you want to make sure he gets the message.

You answer the phone and say, "I'm mad at you" and with that, you hang up. Troy calls back 2 more times but stops.

You get in the bed and start to watch Netflix. You hear a car door close. You know its Troy after all you did give him a key to your house. You decided that if he comes up the stairs you were going to continue to ignore him.

As if on cue Troy opens the door."Hey baby", Troy whispers."Baby cmon I'm sorry I forgot. Troy climbs into bed with you, and you then flip over with your back to him. "Y/N are we really doing this right now I said I was sorry", he continues.

" You're a jerk you know that, "you whisper."You promised me, Troy, you said it was going to be me and you since you're back", you continue with tears in your eyes. Troy hears your small whimpers and starts to cuddle you. You try to push him off of you but you give up.

" I'm sorry baby girl I really am" It truly slipped my mind" You know I would never forget about you like that", says Troy."I forgive you just promise it won't happen again", you say."Baby girl I promise", he agrees. You both then lay in bed and cuddle.

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