Eventually, Chad reached the speed boat and finally caught up to West who had gotten there some time before.

"Why do you do these things?" Chad asked, completely out of breath.

"Maybe you need to start working out more bro," West replied with a chuckle. "Now hurry up and get in."

West hopped into the passenger side of the boat as he waited for Chad to finish catching his breath. Once they finally got out on the water, West snickered to himself.

"I am speed," the blonde murmured with another stifled laugh.

"What?" Chad asked.

"Gotta go fast!"

Chad smiled as he rolled his eyes at his meme obsessed best friend. He shook his head as he continued driving. About ten minutes later the two reached their destination. Hopping out of the boat, Chad and West stepped onto the soft sand of Chad's private island.

"Ah, Isle of Bro," Chad sighed as he took in the area around him before setting his sights on the nearby mansion. "And can't forget the MANsion."

Both boys snickered at the name as per usual before venturing over to their favourite hangout spot.

"So, you wanna grab the surf boards?" West asked as they stopped at the front door, he then began to teeter on his feet.

"Naw bro, we've been doing a lot of running today. I'm thinking... arcade?"

West nodded with a smirk. "Arcade."

They continued walking into the building and made their way to the basement. As they got to the room West looked around at the fully decked out arcade complete with several arcade games, retro consoles, a hot spring and a large snack bar.

"You know, after all the times I've been down here, I always forget how impressive it is," West mused.

"Yeah bro, it gets a little overwhelming sometimes having so much space to do whatever I want. It is nice to be able to get all this stuff at the snap of my fingers though. It pays to be the king's son."

"Alright, now enough talking so I can kick your ass in Street Fighters."

"Oh, you're on bro," Chad says before rushing over to the vintage Street Fighters game and starting it.

Two hours and a broken tie later, Chad Cheers in victory as he finally got two wins over West.

"Haha! Yes! I beat you bro! Six to eight!" Chad exclaimed, jumping up and down.

West gave a devious smile. "You wouldn't have won if you didn't cheat."

"I'm sorry, but since when is being better considered cheating?" Chad jeered.

"Whatever you say my lord. Oh high and mighty. He who plays the best." He kneels to the ground, bowing to Chad. "The one and only master of Street Fighters. Winner of all. Grand king of the game."

"Alright dude, you can stop now," Chad says, once again rolling his eyes.

"Top dog. Greatest there ever was. Better than me in every way."

"Dude!" Chad cut in. "Seriously, stop now."

West shrugged, standing up once more. "Fine, I was running out anyway."

"Good, you were starting to get annoying."

"Only starting? Dash, I wasn't doing it for long enough. I was going for completely annoying." West chuckled. "Well, at least I know if we ever got into a real fight I'd be the one winning."

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