I'm A Failure( Ancient Magus Bride)

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* *Hello guys, I had this for a while for some reasons that I hope this will be good to write.

the song that inspire this is: When It All Goes Away by David Hodges *

*Hope you enjoy or Try to Enjoy this One Shot*

At the Child of Thorn's house, it was empty, hollow, silent, barely occupied with just the magician himself. He is sitting at his usual seat with his usual posture, He is quite and deep into his thoughts. Letting the sun bathe the room he is in slightly.

The sun is lost today
With every single moment out of place

The sun maybe is shining outside of the building,but inside of the figure was empty matching the shadow that surrounds him as the light is bathing just an area.

The wolves are on their way
And I can see through all you've made around you

The wolves of darkness were always on their way. On their way to destroy what was built by the small group the Child of Thorns did with some people. Death after death, it seemed that he got the blame. Saying he was the reason that it all fell apart. He saw what was made especially on the one that was considered his wife and will always be considered his wife in his mind.

So look me in the eyes
Know the situation's far from right

He tried his hardest to help Chise to not die. He was grateful he had help from Ruth and Silky. And from some others that he met....until now.

Unravel all the lies
That kept us feeling so alone

Now, he just stayed silent for a while from all of them. He kinda felt that they don't want him because of the blame they placed on him of their deaths.

I hope someday we remember what was lost here
For if love no longer waits for the broken

This feeling is entirely new to the magician. He never felt losing special people before, Since he did not know where he came from in the first place.

Where do we go when it all goes away?To rearrange our lives
Fills us with so much to leave behind
And what we can't deny

Elias then stands up and begins to walk outside of the house grabbing his coat,cane and the veil. He instantly felt the urge to go to the graves. How he does not know he just felt it.

Hurts the most when we admit
That love will never bring us home

During the walk,there is flashbacks to the three with the rest of the people that they were close started to be in his mind;making his movements slow and painful. it does hate to admit that it hurts, but it needs to happen. That sometimes love will never bring a home.

I hope someday we remember what was lost here
For if love no longer waits for the broken

What was lost will always be remembered. how it will never be forgotten on the magician since he is the one to blame. Will love wait for the broken for the others? He hope so, he is fine if it is not waited for him.

Where do we go when it all goes away?I will keep what we've started in my mind, love

The graves or what he calls them now the shrines of the three people that the rest miss them and he miss them too in his own way is close in view of the magician.

Yet I can not help but be broken hearted and undone now But I hope that someday we remember what was lost here

He begins dreading to get there now as he stops before being face to face with the shrines. Should he do it? Or not? It can not be help to be completely broken heart. And wish to be undone, all it can be done is to live on for them and never forget them.

For if love no longer waits for the broken
Where do we go when it all goes away?(We remember what was lost here

He decides to walk a bit more to the shrines of the three. he stares at them for a bit thinking of what to say to them now. He hoped he knew what to say,but it always to off when the person finally gets to the destination.

"H...hi..Chise...Ruth...Silky," he starts softly upon getting to the three shrines of them," I'm..sorry I did not come to see you guys being memorialized". Elias hated himself for not coming to say good bye, even if is just seeing it far away from the rest that were there.

For if love no longer waits for the broken
Where do we go)When it all goes away?

Elias stay silent trying to process his thoughts more.
"This..feeling...without You guys..it..is..killing me...," He begins again," you..three matter to me... I'm so sorry..my actions say otherwise..I miss You..so much..."

He then starts on each one:

" Silky...I know I was not there for you when I can......but thank You for helping me...when I need it..you were to precious for this world. An angel.", He starts to say

Then it was Ruth he begins," Ruth... You were the best familiar and ally..someone can ask for..helped Chise and everyone else. RIP to you. and hope you met your precious up there".

Chise is up next and that made Elias stopped for a moment. To try to compose himself before speaking about her.

"My...my beautiful...Chise..you...you taught me new emotions...you were my best friend...my apprentice and most of all my wife..." He begins with her then he stays silent more to gather his thoughts this new emotions he is feeling just like he felt when Chise went to make her wand and practice with Lindel; but multipled by more.

"I...I can't take this new emotions I'm feeling..without you...without all three.." He begins voice breaking more despite the skull head not showing much emotions except the dull lighting of the red eyes in the black sockets of his head.

"I regret not helping you more when I could...I'm so sorry... I cause each of your deaths though I know you will not blame me." He tries to continue

he then stay silent after he says those words.
He loves each one of them, he loves Chise more. He wishes he is dead...if him dying would bring those three back; he would of done it.
He looks down as wind blows moving the plants, the flowers and objects left by the friends that each of them made. it blows on the veil he has and that made him look at a figure in front of him.

There in front, Chise appears transparent and glow in a faint pink color. The child of thorns felt another emotion: surprise by seeing Chise here.

The woman walks towards her husband. And stands few inches for a hug or a kiss.

"Don't blame yourself. " she begins smiling softly," you could not stop it. But you is not alone. We are here with you Elias". She gently touch the magician's hand

Elias feels she is solid even if she looks ghost like. Then she touches his bone cheek and a small smile could be seen on the features of his late wife.

"We do not blame you Elias..We do not. When all seem lost on the physical plane..remember we are watching over you," she adds to her gentle speech

Elias did not have anything to say that he just let her late wife reassure him more. Than he could hear another voice it was Ruth's. That he agrees with Chise and the third voice that was Silky also agree.

"I love you Elias..I will always will..we always will," Chise finally say to him and give him a gentle kiss to the snout of the head that the child of thorns has when he close it. She then disappears from him and the area is peaceful again.

Another wind pass by showing their presence still there before it is truly peaceful. He then takes a deep breath and says to himself about those three letting their spirit hear it.

"I will always love you...three...I will live on for you...I will not let you down". He then starts to walk away from the shrines going back to his home. Letting the words of what was said from her and the rest be on his mind.

The three spirits will never leave him. They will watch over..he will not be alone..he is not a failure.

* Alright, this took a while to finish. Hope you enjoyed or try too. Feel free to leave some feedback. Slowly by slowly others will be updated. More to come. Stay tuned. ^^*

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