Chapter Two: The Kiss

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Hermione was furious and frantic at the same time, she turned her head towards Malfoy who was standing in front of the pool with his usual smug expression, she tried not to show off her whole body.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" She hissed.

"It's hot outside." He unbuttoned his white-sleeved shirt, revealing his chiselled abdomen, her eyes went wide.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Hermione barked.

Now he was removing his trousers. Hermione immediately looked away, she just needed to get her clothes, she looked around as she searched for them.

"Looking for this?" Draco held up Hermione's clothes. "It'll be right here." He tossed it far away from where Hermione couldn't reach it.

"You git." She growled.

Draco entered the pool-sized tub with a splash. Hermione was still turning her back on Draco. She felt him getting closer and closer, like the water moving towards her, until she felt his breath on Hermione's neck, it made her skin crawl, she was bare and felt defenceless.

"I know you've been wanting this." He whispered to her ears.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She remained firm.

"I do." She kissed Hermione's shoulder, which made her body waving with pleasure. She closed her eyes as she was processing what just happened into her head. Draco's mouth slowly moved to her neck, he slid his hand to Hermione's right and into the water, which she surprisingly approved of it.

"Say it, you want me." He softly whispered in her ears with a hint of temptation.

"I will not." She said sternly, "You're awful and I hate you." She hissed.

"Than why are you still holding my hand?" He snarled.

She immediately let go and turned to face him. "Get out!" She wailed. She tried to cover her body with bubbles.

"You aren't supposed to be here," Draco smirked. "It's for the prefects."

Hermione didn't answer as she glared at Draco. She wanted a peaceful and quiet moment but Draco ruined it like he always does. She moved her eyes up and down and saw a glimpse of his strong abdomen.

"Your staring." He said.

"I wasn't." She scowled. "What are you really doing here?"

"I thought you needed company." He said with an arrogant expression that made Hermione grouchy.

"Well, I don't need one, " She sulked.

"Not from everyone else at least," Draco said.

Hermione had no time for this nonsense, they were both naked!
She started to leave Draco alone, to whatever he's business is. But Draco held her by the waist which sent shivers down her spine. "I like you." He said it, with no hesitation. "There I said it."
Hermione was stunned. She couldn't believe it. Hermione couldn't tell if he was serious or just playing his dumb game but it made her speechless for a while.

"I..." Hermione began.

Without thinking, Draco leaned closer as he softly clutched the back of Hermione's head. Baffled for a moment, she reluctantly responded to his action and closed her eyes. As their lips meet, they felt as time stood still, she felt her head spin with confusion and bewilderment, Hermione tried to resist but it was no use. The kiss was soft and rough at the same time. Their lips moved into a perfect rhythm as their kiss took off passionately, the soft-lit candles that surrounded the room, twinkled like the stars.

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