"Alright," Pinako said. She pulled out a wrench from the desk. "Lets get started." I gulped.

Winry struggled to put me on the seat that was just above her shoulders. Luckily she was able to do it. I sat on the bed chair upright as Pinako picked up all the auto-mail.  Winry stood next to me.  Pinako positioned the automail for my legs and Winry did my right arm.

"This may hurt a bit," Pinako warned me.

"I don't care."

She shrugged and looked to Winry.



"3. 2. 1!" The locked down the auto mail on me hard. I felt electricity shot through me. I clamped my teeth together.

"Ahhhhhh!" I shut my eyes and breathed quickly.

"Mm. Your tougher than most. Even strong soldiers who are men scream like little girls in this process." Pinaki shook her head approvingly. My eyes burned as I held back any screams that wished to escape. I breathed harder and harder.

"Are you alright Luna?" Winry asked worried. I looked up at her and smiled. I looked down at my body and saw the auto mail. Pinako sat me up and looked at the limbs.

"I'm glad they fit, but will you be able to carry their weight? Move your fingers," she commanded. I raised my automail arm and brought it infront of my face. I moved my fingers back and forth, then balled it into a fist.

"Works like a charm," I said moving the arm back and forth. I looked at the legs and moved my knee. It felt good to move them. I turned my body around toward Windy and Pinako. Winry held me to the bed so I wouldn't mive so the limbs could adjust.  I stood up from the chair and kinda stumbled as I regained my balance. I stood up straight as Pinako examined me.

"Lets take you outside." It took a while for me to walk but I eventually got the hang of it as they brought me outside. "Run!" Pinako yelled. I took off quickly. It was wonderful. To finally run after so long and be able to feel the wind in my hair. My legs weren't hurting as I ran around the house multiple times. I felt free. I took a deep breath and came to a stop.

"So. How do you feel?" Winry asked.

I stretched my arms and had a large smiled pressed against my face and nodded. "Great."

Pinako smiled in satisfaction and hit my on the back.

"Well, I'm glad it works."

Pinako went back inside and I stayed outside with Winry for a while. Me and her ran to the far side of the lake and I threw rocks against the river bank. Winry smiled at me as I did cartwheels and flips on the dirt, making my hair as messy as can be. I was smiling and happy and just filled with joy. I sat on a rock and revered in the beautiful weather.

I looked out into the stream and picked at the automail arm with my other hand. I tapped my foot and heard it as it clanked on the rocks. Winry hummed silently and everything seemed calm and peaceful. It was nice.

"So, Luna? What was your life like before?" I looked at Winry and raised my eyebrow. My black hair shifted in the wind.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, how was it? Did you have nice parents?"

I brightened up. "My parents were the greatest parents a kid could ask for. My mom was a star alchemist and my dad was Ishvallen. My mom taught me alchemy. None of the other kids liked me because of my Amestrian blood and different eye colors. But that's what I think makes me special." Then I stopped talking. I remembered their faces. The Homunculuses with dark hair and purple eyes. Purple eyes like mine. And my parents were killed by State Alchemists. I looked up and saw Winry's worried face. "Its fine though, I know things will be better for me now that I have these shiny things now," I said referring to the auto mail.

Ever since then, I've been helping out Winry and Pinako since I didn't have money to pay them back with. They didn't seem to mind though. Winry had given me a big black trench coat with a moon on the back that was a size or two bigger than me. I was hanging out in her room that day when I heard banging at the door. I was 10 at the time.
"Coming!" Winry ran for the door. I followed behind her. She opened the door and I stayed near the stair case. Then I saw two boys. Both with blonde hair and yellow eyes. One was taller and never looking and the other had a mean look, but was shorter. But they both looked like they just saw hell.

Their faces were panicked and stricken with tears in the tall boys eyes. "Ed? Al? Are you guys alright?"

I gulped. Ed and Al? Those are the two boys Winry told me about. Al, the taller one with innocent eyes trembled to speak.

"Mom is..."

"Ed, Al?" Pinako said as she walked past me. She saw their faces and knew exactly what happened.

Then Ed yelled, "It's all his fault!" I stumbled backwards and fell. "If dad hadn't left, mom would still be alive!" His pupils were small and he collapsed. Later that day, Winry and Pinako went to the funeral. I went with them of course.

Winry tried to convince Ed to come back to the house but him and Al stayed their in front of the grave. "Come on Luna," Winry said.

"I think I'll stay for a little while. I won't be out long though."

Her and Pinako made their way back to the house as I stayed their, next to the tree watching the two boys. Now there both orphans. Without parents to care for them. I thought about how similar it was to mine. Except they only have each other now.

"Big brother, moms gone now, what are we gonna do?" Al asked Ed, who was sitting down next to his brother. He stood up and gritted his teeth.

"We not gonna do anything Al!" He yelled in frustration.

"What do you mean?"

"We're gonna bring mom back."

"But brother, it's a taboo?"

"That's why it'll be our little secret."

The words echoed in my head. I turned away from them and made my way back the house.

A few months later, Ed and Al left.
Interruption here.

"Al! Luna! Dinners ready!" I heard Winry yell as she waved us over. I looked ahead to see the sun setting and looked at Al, who had been listining to the story. I sighed and looked to Al who had been listening intently.

"Well, we shouldn't keep Winry waiting. You know how she gets when we don't." I heard him laugh slightly and he pushed me up the hill.

"Hey Al," I said, getting his attention.
"Did you guys leave Resoombool to learn more alchemy?"

He continued pushing and nodded. "And when you for back, you guys committed the taboo?"
He stopped short but continued.

"Yes we did, and that was because me and big brother were selfish. But now, we're trying to fix it. We're gonna get pur old bodies back."

I looked at him in admiration. They are persistent. I looked away smiling. That's a good thing, I thought, but that's also a bad thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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