Chapter 7 - Lesson One

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Edited 10/5/21

Hannah's POV

Olivia and I followed Jan through the corridors of the castle. We passed tapestries and paintings and countless doors until we stopped before an ornate door.

"These will be your rooms. Feel free to use the clothes in the dressers. Pull the bell chord to summon a maid." Without any more words, he opened the door.

Inside was the most beautiful room I had ever seen. The high ceiling was painted a light blue with clouds to look like the sky. Gilded gold furniture was arranged tastefully atop a lovely Persian rug. Floor-to-ceiling windows framed a large white-brick fireplace. The walls were painted a soft cream so as not to clash with the furniture.

"This is the sitting room. Through the door on the right is the younger Miss Becker's bedroom. The left is the elder Miss Becker's bedroom." He pointed to two sets of doors on opposite sides of the room before turning to me. "Now, Miss Becker, if you would please follow me, his highness would like to speak with you."

"Olivia, stay here. Read a book, and I'll be back soon." I hand her the Harry Potter book she had been reading yesterday and then turn, following Jan down the hall to another door. He knocks before entering.

"Leave us," Joshua says as we enter. Jan leaves, and I am left alone with the prince.

"So," I say after a moment of silence, "you're the prince."

He frowns, but unable to deny it, nods. "I am. I wanted to tell you, but I found I was unable to."

"It's okay. I get it." I let out a breath as I continue. "So, did you seriously want me to teach you how to date?"

"No," he stutters as a blush paints his cheeks and he looks away.

"This is only gonna work if you're honest with me." I wait for him to look me in the eye before saying, "you don't have to be proud around me. Be vulnerable. It will only make you stronger."

"How can being vulnerable make me strong?" He says with a severe expression.

I cock my head to the side and studied him. He was tall and handsome. Without that wig or the nose or the contacts, I could clearly see the royal family features. Such a proud man didn't need a nobody like me telling him how to think or feel. Damn. What was I even doing here?

"When you let down your guard," I begin hesitantly, "you begin to see what parts of yourself need reinforcements. But you also gain allies to watch your back. We may not be allies but letting me know how to help would make my job easier."

"Point taken," he said with a nod. His expression relaxed slightly as he seated himself in his desk chair. I calmly approached the desk, stopping on the side of it to look out the window.

"So, how can I help?" I say, looking over at the prince.

The tips of his ears went pink, but he said, "I would like to practice the art of social interaction among opposite sexes. I also would like you to accompany me to a dinner next month. This could help you to determine the areas I need...reinforcement in."

"So, you want to practice flirting?" I guessed, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yes I suppose." His ears turned a darker shade as he stammered, "I don't to...uh"

"What? Seduce a woman?"

"Among other things..." he mumbled. I nod and then step forward, around the edge of the desk and stopping in front of his chair.

"And what if," I say, lowering my tone and placing my hands on either side of him, trapping him in the chair, "the woman does the seducing." I peer down at him through my lashes, studying his reaction. He freezes, unsure of how to handle me being so close to him. I lean closer, my lips almost on his. "Lesson one, learn to decide what you want." I don't move a muscle as I wait for him to decide what to do. It occurs to me that I actually want to kiss him. Something tells me he tastes like red wine and heat. Just as he closes his eyes and starts to lean forward, there is a knock at the door. I'm five feet away before he realizes what just happened.

"Come in," he says, a hint of irritation and confusion in his tone.

Jan enters with a tea tray. "The younger Miss Becker wishes to know if she can begin unpacking." He sets the tray on the desk and pours a cup for Joshua.

"Well, your highness," I say. "Do you want the lessons I can offer? Or should my sister and I leave."

His eyes grow dark for a moment, but he nods and says, "go and unpack. We start tomorrow."

Joshua's POV

My heart pounds in my chest. I almost kissed her. I almost kissed her. She was so close I could smell her perfume. Spicy and exotic and dangerous. Her eyes, so big and blue were staring into my soul, and her voice, like velvet, fell around me, heavy and soft and intoxicating.

I watch as she leaves my office, her hips swaying in a sensual rhythm as she walks. My god. She'll be the death of me.

"Your highness," Jan interrupts my thoughts. "Your...lessons with Miss Becker will have to take place in the evenings. Your schedule would allow for an eight o'clock time. Would that be acceptable?"

"Yes," I say, not really paying attention. She was so close just minutes ago. Would she have let me kiss her? I think she would have. Was it all a joke? What did she mean by 'deciding what I want'? This woman becomes more and more puzzling every time I see her.

"I shall inform her then." Jan bows and leaves without another word. I hardly hear him over the pounding of my heart that is only now slowing. If she was about to kiss me and we weren't having a formal lesson, just what would happen tomorrow? My mind races and swirls with possibilities. I would read a book on the subject, but so few contain the information I want. That lack of information is what got me here in the first place.

Standing, I begin to pace the floor. Just what would tomorrow bring, and would I be ready?

Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

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