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A month ago...

Blue eyes blinked at the sight of the beautiful lake. Even his still frame gave the impression that he just enjoyed the view and took a fresh air, no one but his best friend knew how much his heart was like in a war, battling against all sorts of uncomfortable feelings. No matter how much oxygen he inhaled, it still did not soothe his nervousness.

Oh, and also in disbelief. Just when he thought his life fell apart, Shining Saotome came to his rescue, offering all his basic needs if he still called himself a human.

"This is my card, Mr. Ichinose. You can call me anytime."

Initially, he did not. Even he failed to find suitable words to describe how much he was thankful to the legendary singer given he was not eloquent in the first place, he was suspicious at first. How on earth a president of a well-known entertainment agency like Saotome could spare time for a nobody like him? A nobody who had memory loss and was still confused about how on earth he made himself hospitalized.

The doctor said, he almost drowned but how and why it happened was still a mystery. He found no witnesses who could help him to put two and two together.

Man, had his life always been this alone and lonely? Apart from his best friend, Satsuki, no one else visited him.

Yes, he almost forgot that Saotome and his assistants, Ringo and Hyuga also visited him a couple of times. Then only he realized that it was not surprising why he literally had no friends or relatives other than Satsuki. His coldness even scared the doctors and nurses, let alone those patients whose rooms were nearby. His aloofness came out naturally which made him concluded that it was his true personality.

He was comfortable to be left in silence and he knew no one needed to be a genius to figure out how he hated to be disturbed by pointlessly chummy chats.

Yet, apparently Saotome and his assistants were well-informed of his personality that they took their time to make him open with them. They were a tad chatty but they knew their limits. Still, they did not appear as significant to him. To make himself optimistic, he convinced himself that they might be just the passers-by who happened to be there when he almost drowned. Apart from establishing themselves as an idol, they might randomly pray that they wanted to be the good Samaritans for that day and God granted it immediately.

Everything changed after he was still jobless, had a passion for singing and Saotome happened to be an owner of a talent agency. Tokiya almost lost his breath when he braced himself to call the legendary singer but he swore he already lost it when Saotome reacted loudly.

"Excellent, Mr. Ichinoseeee! Pack your things and move to the Master Course dorm instantlyyy!"

It sounded like Saotome already looked forward to this particular call from him.

Which led him to this moment; waiting for Saotome's driver to pick him up and bring him to Master Course dorm.

"How do you feel, Tokiya?" A deep voice crossed his hearing which sent him turned to his back.

Shinomiya Satsuki. A man who was as weird as him which made it more logical for them to be friends. The tall and fierce-looking man was weird because he always showed up and left suddenly. Strangely enough, most probably the man was the only earthling who he could get along.

"It happened too fast. He said I don't even need to be trained. I can join the Master Course instantly," Tokiya remarked. "Is that..."

"No, Tokiya. It's not strange. Saotome Agency is a huge deal. They didn't scout just anyone. That eccentric president might have his eye on you for quite some time. The time before you lost your memory."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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